Sunday, July 31, 2011

Luke 7-30-11 Press

Lifted in my backyard for various time constraint reasons

Standing Press
105 x 5 @ 8
115 x 5 @ 10
120 x 5 @ 10+
120 x 3 @ 10-

One Arm Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press
43 x 8 per arm
50.5 x 8 per arm, but left arm had shitty ROM
50.5 x 3 per arm good ROM both arms
43 x 8 per arm

superset with strict wide grip pull ups
BW x 15, 15, 15, 9

Light squatts`


Meet Week Light Squat

135 x 3 x 3

Leg press
1 plate per side x 3 x 20

BW x 20, 15, 15

Some light abs

I'll be in the gym on Tuesday to do some squat, bench, and deadlift with just the bar or something very very light.

Banch Prass

Pretty sweet video of Kennelly and Efferding benching big weights


I had to skip gym yesterday in order to take MCAT practice test. This will be a weekly occurrence, so I'm only training 6 days now.

Squat (wanted to just do something light):

Push Press:


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Upper body first results in press PRs but terrible other lifts

Military press
115 x 5 x 2
120 x 5 x 3

Incline bench
145 x 5 x 2
150 x 5 x 2

Dumbbell shoulder press
35 x 10
37.5 x 10
40 x 10

Cable row, face pull superset
reverse curls

pretty much same thing that happened to Luke except I was working with 425

unimportant things

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ryan Bench Assist 7/29/11

Had no belt and my back is shot still.

Strict Press-
115 x5
125 x5
135 x5x2

Incline Bench-
175 x5
185 x5
195 x5x2

Dumbbell Shoulder Press-
50's x10
60's x10, x9, x8

Isolateral High Row x4
Face Pulls x3
Biceps x3
Abs x3

Bench Assist Friday 07-29-11

Standing Press
95 x 5, 5, 4
85 x 5, 5

Incline Press
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5, 5

Dumbbell Military Press
Heavy Rows
Preacher Curls


7/29/11 Deadlifts

135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 1 @ 8
405 x 1 @9-
25lbs x 25 x 3
Ultra-wide Sumo Deadlifts:
225 x 8 x 3

Squat 5

My schedule is all messed up. I flipped my squat and deadlift workouts for the next two weeks to prime the deadlift with enough rest.

465 x 5
485 x 5
495 x 5 (ties PR) @ 10-

I had this 120lb Scottish guy behind me who was like "uh... this is a wee bit heavier than i think i can help with..." Still, having any spotter really gives me confidence. Pretty pleased with the last set. I think i had 5-10lbs in the tank. My form was all over though. I wasn't able to hit the hole with confidence. I need to focus on nailing it with my singles in the next two weeks.

Also, the bicep tendon pain got pretty bad towards the end. My hands were shaking from the pain and I felt really nauseous. I was planning on doing good mornings, but switched to doing leg press instead.

Leg prass:
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
7 plates x 3

My left patella tendon was feeling irritated by the last set, so I bagged it early.

Did some GHR abs. They had a donkey calf raise machine, which was exciting, so I did a few sets on that. Finished with some sort of trunk twist machine.


Squat (high bar):
255x1 (started to twist under the weight)
185x5x3 (for volume and form)

235x1 (solid, but a little slow)

Well benching strength seems to be coming back quite nicely, whereas my squatting strength is still limited a bit by my left hip. It's weak when flexing out of the bottom, so that's a correction I need to focus on. Also, did high-bar squats to spare my lower back.

Luke 7-28-11 Deadlift :/

pretty shitty deadlift session tonight. Maybe it's because I squatted on tuesday and only had 1 day of rest instead of the normal 2. Maybe it's because I just started work and I've been sleep deprived and tired. Maybe it's because I biked 12 miles the past 2 days. The result was a shitty deadlift singles day. Going into it I expected not to PR, but I thought I would hit around 455.

405 x 1 @ 9-
435 x f,f,f I got it a couple inches off the ground and just couldn't/didn't lift it. I decided to drop the weight just to hit a few singles. I had very little rest between sets.
405 x 1 @ 9+
405 x 1 @ 10 hunched shoulders to decrease stroke, but this felt harder.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Deadlift 7/28/2011

405 x 1 @8
445 x 1 @8
495 x 1 @8

3 sets of 10 on the lat pull down machine

Banded Pull Thrus w/ Greens
3 sets of 20

10 minutes Rowing Machine
10 minutes Stairmaster

Morning bodyweight: 184.6
Opener: 496
2nd Attempt: 523.5
3rd Attempt: Anything over 540

Thoughts about the meet:
I'm feeling confident about this one. What I would like to achieve is to take the RAW Jr. Squat record (440), the RAW Jr. Deadlift record (540) and the RAW Jr. Total record (1250). Also, I'm skipping bench assistance tomorrow for the first time before a meet. The rest is gonna be nice.

Deadlift Thursday 07-28-11

275 x 1
295 x 1 <-- 10 lbs PR
315 x f
305 x f

Bodyweight: 161.5

shameful deadlift is shameful

550 xf



Push Press:

Felt kinda zombie mode b/c I woke up early and didnt eat much. That's what minimums are for.

Return of the bench (and pain)

Decided to test out the shoulder today...

133 x 20
183 x 15
221 x 8, 8, 8

The shoulder didn't have any pain today, which was amazing. There was definitely some discomfort though by the time i hit 225, so I just stayed there and did reps until it felt uncomfortable. However, the bicep tendon pain was unreal after the third set. I have no idea why it was so bad, as i haven't done anything to irritate it. It was probably the worst it's ever been to the point that i felt like i was going to pass out from the pain.

Bent over-rows:
245 x 8
267 x 5, 6, 8

These were tough because it hurt a lot just to bend my arm. Once bent, I could rep it out and then try not o hyperventilate from the pain after the set.

Lat-pull Down:
250 x 8, 8, 8, 8

Machine Dips:
4 sets?

No idea what the weight was

Did some of the following: Cable Flyes, Tricep Extensions, 1 set of hammer curls. transversus cruches, and pnf.

By the time the workout ended, the pain was down from an @7 to an @4. I really hope that it goes away. The shoulder discomfort stuck around but not nearly as bad as it had been (no pain though). I'll probably take the week off from benching proper but keep up the pressing and triceps.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

7/27/11 Bench

155 x 1 @ 7
175 x 1 @ 9-
185 x F
Pause Bench:
135 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 5
Pin Press:
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
T-bar Rows:
135 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8
320 x 8
320 x 8
320 x 8

Bench singles were disappointing, but it's not the end of the world. I'm not letting this failure drag me down.

Luke 7-27-11 Bench Ed Coan wk 6

Worked from 8am-5:45pm today and rode my bike. I felt less tired today after work, but by the time I got to the gym I was yawning.

195 x 5 @ 9-
195 x 5 @ 9- both these sets felt really easy. I think pause bench helped a lot with this. This is 5 pounds off my PR which I will hit next week for 2 sets.

Incline Bench
155 x 5 @ 9+
155 x 5 @ 9+ felt weird today

Close Grip Bench
170 x 2, reset grip, 2
I forgot that I was supposed to do close grip before incline. My mind is gone by this point in the day. Close Grip felt way harder than normal and my left elbow started hurting so I stopped. My elbow was also hurting earlier at work from stapling.

Chest Supported Rows
3 plates x 8 x 2
2 plates + 25 x 8

Deadlift 1

Deadlifted today (2 days after squatting) so I can cram for my final tomorrow.
435 x 1 @ 10 (5 lb PR)
445 x 1 @ 10 (15 lb PR)
I planned my attempts poorly and definitely could have hit 450.


Current total: 1075 Raw, exactly collegiate qualifying total that I struggled to hit equipped in February.

Good sign is that my raw lifts have quickly caught up to my equipped numbers.

Somehow 445 looked better than 435.


Just for more information on what I'm actually doing, I will post my full warm-ups today as well

Front Squat:
185x1(Daily Minimum)
215x1(Super difficult coming out of the hole)
225xf (got stapled at the bottom)

185x1 (Daily Minimum)
220x1 (I remembered how I set up before to maximize lat involvement)
225x1 (Felt like 185)

Biceps + Abs

Keeping it low volume, because of my frequency, but I may start adding some paused Squat and Front Squat b/c my hole strength is abysmal right now. Also still trying to figure out my bench grip width. Closer has a LOT more pop of the chest, but I can't grind as well with it. Wider is the opposite. Trying to find a happy medium.

Over all, I think this "training every day" thing has been working out well so far. My flexibility has improved somewhat, and I can drop into a parallel squat at really any time. I think I will be settling on the template of alternating Squat & Push Press/Front Squat & Bench Press. Past training logs have shown that my Squat improves with Front Squatting, my Bench improves with overhead work, and my Deadlift improves by training Squats (Front & Back).

I will also be setting "Daily Minimums" that I need to hit every time I lift in the gym. These are 275 for Squat, 185 for Front Squat, 185 for Bench, and 135 for Push Press. The minimum for Squat is the most ambitious because it is where I need the most work.

Notice the order

195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1 (5 lb unnoticeable PR)

Pause bench
145 x 5 x 2
155 x 5

Decline bench
165 x 5
175 x 5 x 2

Chest supported row, upright row superset

295 x 3 x 3
Some sets started ugly but I fixed it in the middle and end

Front squat
175 x 5 x 4

Leg press, cable abs superset

Annoyingly long pre-meet, post cycle thoughts..

I always like to post on the log my proposed attempts, And I'm extremely bored and have watched all the Powerlifting watch videos from this week, so If need be I can pull my log up @ the meet. I know things happen, and these are tentative, but this is what I'm shooting for. The bench is the only Iffy thing, 375 in training didn't feel too hard, I could probably double it, IF I stay in the groove. I've learned in a shirt anything can feel hard, or extremely easy in a shirt it just depends if your form is pefect.

I'm competing August 6th at the State Games, Morning BW is around 245 So i'll be cutting a little water weight.


1st Attempt- 247.5 Kilos ( 545 lbs)
2nd Attempt- 265.0 Kilos (584 lbs)
3rd Attempt- 272.5 Kilos (601 lbs)
Squat Notes-
My Squat has felt very strong this cycle, I'm extremely happy with it. I started this geared cycle 5 weeks back and tripled 530, and each rep felt hard and heavy. Each week 540, Whether I was singling, doubling and tripling it has felt increasingly easier, I believe this week i could have hit 545x5. 585 with self wraps wasn't ME by any means, 601 was my main goal for this meet, the strength is there "its already done, I just have to do it".


1st attempt- 160.0 Kilos (352lbs)
2nd Attempt- 170.0Kilos (375lbs)
3rd Attempt-182.5 Kilos (402lbs)
Bench Notes-
The bench is the only Iffy thing, 375 in training didn't feel too hard, I could probably double it, IF I stay in the groove. I've learned in a shirt anything can feel hard, or extremely easy in a shirt it just depends if your form is pefect. I definetly don't suck quite so much at bench anymore, weekly benching at OC Strength club has helped so much, such knowledgable people.


1st Attempt- 247.5 Kilos ( 545 lbs)
2nd Attempt- 265.0 Kilos (584 lbs)
3rd Attempt- 272.5 Kilos (601 lbs)
Deadlift Notes-
I hit 600 in June, this was after a deload week and I was completely fresh.
So 601 after a geared Squat and Bench is acceptable. Deadlift training this cycle was far different than usual. Usually I deadlifted on thursday, after a day of rest with nose tork and slaps. This cycle I deadlifted tuesday, after geared bench(which makes your back extremely sore), and without meet style motivation. This seems good though, and pulling the day after a bench day seems more true to how you would feel in a meet.
550 went up pretty easy, and considering these circumstances, 601 seems very doable.

More food for thought-
Squatting in the suit and band squats seem to have made my lockout on deadlift even stronger than before, but has maybe hindered the off floor speed. This makes complete since because The wraps and suit are doing more work at the bottom, and the way I deadlift(very low hips) is more similar to a squat or FS. SO I feel front squatting and more heavy quad work needs to be added in the future.

Bodyweight wise, I've gained a solid 4-5 Lbs through this 6 week cycle, It hasn't really been intentional I'm just a lot more hungry, and a lot more tired from the combination of lifting much heavier weights and working for my dad often doing a lot of manual labor which often includes trenching and sledgehammers, sometimes getting up at 2am on emergency calls. It isn't bad weight though at all, I'm very happy with this, I think this will be my last 242 meet though. its time...

Most importantly, I feel my hip is now completely healed and I have no pain doing anything including Raw squatting. I can't remember a Time where between my hip, sciatic nerve, OR SI joint didn't hurt since Last august.The squat suit combined with a very talented ART Combined With VIT's<3 convincing me to lift geared has allowed me to to achieve this. I miss training with the team, my sometimes solo, 2am Geared squats is far from optimal.

Let the (state) Games Begin

Squat 1

Squatting in Edinburgh, UK. I had to talk my way into the University of Edinburgh's gym, which was exciting. They have a very nice room dedicated to olympic weighlifting with lots of squat racks. I had to convert from kg to pounds though, haha. Overall, feeling a bit jetlagged and I haven't been able to eat like I wanted.

507 x 1, 1
518 x 1, 1
529 x 1

I didn't have any spots for these, which was a bit nerve wracking, so I was more conservative in my weight choices.

Box Squat:
311 x 5
355 x 5
375 x 5, 5, 5

My right knee was feeling sore, so I switched to a hamstring exercise to avoid putting more stress on it.

4 sets

superset with hanging leg raises.

Bench Tuesday 07-26-11

160 x 1
165 x 1 GOOD LIFT PR
170 x 1 <--butt came off---BAD LIFT PR

Pause Bench
135 x 3, 5, 5

Weak Point Iso--Cable Flyes
Chest Supported Rows

161 lbs

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Last Squat Singles before the meet

345x1 @ 9-
355x1 @ 9+
365x1 @ 10-
375x F
Pause Squat:
275 x 3 x 3
Leg Press:
320 x 8
360 x 8
410 x 8
450 x 8
Transverses abs

So this was my first workout after doing Unicamp. I knew that I wouldn't be in top shape going into the meet, but this was still pretty shocking considering it was just one week. I hit a PR on squats recently so I figured 375 would feel moderately easy. I really don't know what to do at this point, so any advice would be appreciated. As for the rest of the team: holy shit you're all getting a lot stronger. Looks like you've had some sandbags hidden away somewhere. I'm expecting greatness this August and I'm excited to see what you guys will do.

Bench Day 7/26/2011

3 White Lights Bench
225 x 1 @ 8
230 x 1 @ 8
240 x 1 @ 8.5
These were done with full commands
Opener: 231.2
2nd attempt: 242.5
3rd attempt: ???

Pause Bench
185 x 5 @8
185 x 5 @8
185 x 5 @8

One set of Tricep Death
Two sets of banded tricep extension

Chest Supported Rows
3 sets w/ 3 plates

Machine Shrugs
3 sets of 20 with 5 plates on each side


Bench 1 Cycle 2

245 x 1 @ 9
265 x 1 @ 10
275 x 1 @ 10+
Generous press calls were given, but press calls nonetheless.

Ryan Bench 7/26/11

Bench w/ calls (only 275 had press call)
235 x1
255 x1
275 x1 (10lb PR, Press call from Mis <3)

Pause Bench-

205 x3
225 x3
235 x3

Tricep Death (0-4 board, 5 reps, 4board rep out)-
135, 145 x2 (failed on the end of my 3 board)

Chest Support Rows-

2 plates x8
3 plates x8
2 x8x2 (better form)

Tricep Cable Pull Downs SS Tricep Dips
Shrugs up to 7 plates w/ drop set at end of 10 reps each

Luke 7-26-11 Squat single

Worked from 9am-6:30pm today. I pushed squats to tuesday since I worked lower back a day later. I felt super tired before and during the workout and cut it short since I have work at 8 tomorrow and I want rest for deadlift day. I may bike to work tomorrow.

315 x 1 @ 8
365 x 1 @ 9-
395 x 1@ 9
415 x 1 @ 10 (5 pound PR) I probably had another 5, maybe 10 pounds in me, but I would rather play it safe because failing a squat sucks.



Front Squat

Cycle 2 Week 3 Deads

Speed pulls (raw)
225 x 7 x 1



Push Press:

The deadlift platform was taken over by a couple of dudes and I really didnt feel like waiting for them to finish. So more volume on squats and presses instead. I'm embarassingly weak when it comes to overhead strength, so that will be a main priority along with the 3 powerlifts.


Cranked my sleeves a little more today... Almost seam at a 90 deg with elbow


The 355 was easier to touch I thunk opening at 352 is safe.
Then jumping to 374, and maybe 402.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Squat Day 7/25/2011

405 x 1 @8
405 x 1 @8
420 x 1 @9
Opener: 407.7 bs
2nd attempt: 429.7lbs ???

Band Lightened w/ Greens
455 x 5 @ 8
455 x 5 @ 8
455 x 5 @ 8

Leg Press
3 sets of 8 w/ 5 plates on each side

Foam Roller Transversus
3 sets


Squat 1 Cycle 2

warm-up 315, 335
350 @ 10 (5 lb PR)
355 @ 10 (10 lb PR)

Some personal notes at this milestone:
I've been serious about consistently doing static and dynamic stretching over the past couple weeks, with an emphasis on improving hip flexor mobility and secondarily hamstrings.
Note that pre-workout dynamic stretching is hugely favorable over static stretching, and I've seen this to be consistent with my own workouts. Train smarter, not harder.
After reviewing my videos I think I've seen a large improvement (in 350, not 355) in keeping my back arched at the bottom of my squat. I think this is largely due to hip mobility. Having tight hip flexors at the bottom of a squat really pulls your hips forward in an unfavorable position and as a result rounds your back.
While this seemingly improved, my depth hasn't been completely consistent. Along with that I'm still doing a squat-morning. I think this is due to deficiencies in the glute/ham chain. Also, improved midline stability will help keep my back upright after hitting the hole, and I'll be able to activate my hips better instead of quads and further avoid squat-morning.
Overhead squats?

Ryan Squat 7/25/11

What a day.

315 x1
335 x1
365 x1 (40lb PR from last cycle, 20lb PR overall)
375 xfail (my back rolled over. Mental note: work on your f$#king elbows and big chest)

I see what I must now do on my squats.

Band Lightened w/ oranges-
315 x5
335 x5
355 x5

Leg Press-
5 plates x8
6 x8
7 x8

PNF hams + groin

Cycle 2 Week 3 Shirted Bench

Bench (full commands)
275 x 1 -touched too low
275 x fail -got out of the groove on the way up and went towards my face
285 x 1 -early press call about 1/4 inch off the chest
285 x 1 -good lift, but possibly too low

The weights today went up relatively easily...the hard part is touching, and touching high enough. I will probably open up with 281 instead of 275.

Squat Monday 07-25-11

265 x 1 EASY
285 x fail
285 x fail
285 x 1 @9 <--PR

Band Lightened Squat
315 x 5, 5

Homeward bound

Bodyweight: 161 lbs


305x1 (belted)

Push Press:


Hips were still a little stiff this afternoon. Probably from me sitting on my ass for MCAT prep all the time. Good news is that I am pretty much back to my opener strength (from the Feb. meet). Not too shabby for 8 days of lifting.

Additional workout:

Since I have recently added the Iron Gym Doorway Chin-up bar, I am doing more bodyweight exercises in the evening. Tonight I did about 50 pull-ups, and about 30 push-ups. Shoulder girdle is feeling nice after doing all of those, and I can limit my Wooden sessions to about 75 minutes.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Luke 7-24-11 Bodybuilding

As a thank you to myself, I've decided to add a small bodybuilding day on sundays. This falls 2 days after press and 2 days before bench. I do some biceps, upper back and some shoulder isolation with fairly high reps and low weight. The goal is to get a little bit of a pump which improves confidence, to strengthen my shoulders to help prevent injury, and to improve my posture.

also I am starting a full time job tomorrow at JPL in the Earth Science department. I will be working 9 days out of every 2 weeks for the next 8 weeks, contingent upon me not getting fired. I may not have as much time and energy for training. I will probably be riding my bike to work a dew times a week (12 mile round trip) so I will have to up the food intake to compensate for this excess energy expenditure. I will aim to keep the intensity high and sacrifice volume if I need to.

earlier today
12 mile bike ride

made frozen margaritas with family using best recipe I have ever tasted

did this workout at home

Pull Ups
BW + 25 x 15, 12 wide grip
BW + 25 x 13 normal grip
BW x 15

Front, Side, 45 degree, Bent Over Shoulder Raises with 5 pound plates
10 reps per angle, 3 sets

superset with abs

and superset with concentration curls
35's x 8,10,9 per arm

I'm falling apart 7/22/11

Strict Press
115 x 5 @8
135 x 5 @ 8
145 x 5 @9
145 x 5 @9
155 x 3 @10 FFFFFFFF
I had to sit down for 15 minutes because of glute cramp, I seriously couldn't bend my leg.

Incline Press
185 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5

Shoulder Press
As I was pressing with 65lb dumbbells, my right arm went backwards and did a backstroke movement and I dropped the weight. This fucked right shoulder. Thankfully it's just a sprain. Note to self: Have a spotter even on accessory work.

Pec Deck
3 sets of 10

Iso Lat Machine - 4 sets
Face Pulls - 4 sets
Biceps & Abz 4 sets
Icing and Ibuprofen



Push Press:

Just wanted to go in and lift some things today. Didnt really feel like killing it.


Theraband walks

add Super Centurion
Straps down-
Straps up
Add ~C+ Wraps
545x1,1 Both were very easy, not sure They even felt as hard as 7-...confirmed depth from the side

w/ heavys ~100 lbs bottom ~ 300 lbs of tension at top
with 90 sec rest intervals
225+Bands - 5x2

getting so much better at these


Saturday, July 23, 2011


Good morning
335 x 5
345 x 5
355 x 5
365 x 5 x 2

Zercher squats
225 x 5 x 5

135 x 8 x 3

hyper abs

Standing military press
110 x 5
115 x 5 x 2
120 x 5 x 2 (rep/set PR?)

Incline bench
145 x 5 x 4

Dumbbell shoulder press
35 x 10 x 3

Cable row,
200 x 10
210 x 10 x 2
face pulls superset


Luke 7-22-11 Lower Back and Press

Worked out at the 24 hour fitness in Costa Mesa with Lauren because I was down at Newport Beach for a few days with her. I combined 2 workouts into one and was pressed for time. The place was huge. I had some left elbow pain the past few days.

Good Morning
275 x 5
315 x 5
345 x 5
375 x 5

135 x 12
185 x 12
195 x 12

Standing Press
105 x 5
115 x 5 @ 10-
120 x 5 @ 10 ties PR. I didn't lower the bar fully on each rep.

did a few with bad form

Pause Bench with 3 second Lauren count which is brutally long
135 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5 @ 10

Face Pulls

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
47.5's x 8
52.5's x 8 PR

Dumbbell Row
125 x 8 per arm


Front Squat:
Took a bit longer to warm up today b/c glutes were a little tight



Neither the front squats nor the bench felt very explosive today, so I didn't push them. Trying to establish daily minimums for the 4 lifts (Squat, Dead, Front Squat, Bench) right now.

Cycle 2 Week 3 Suited Squat

420 x 1 @8
420 x 1 @8+

Had three judges watch both lifts and got white lights. The plan is to open at 418.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bench Assistance

Incline Bench
135, 155, 165, 175, 185 x 5

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
40, 45, 50 x 10

Isolateral High Row, High Cable Row, One-arm preacher hammer curls (killer), Roman Chair, PNF

Deadlift Assistance

225 x 5 x 2
275 x 5 x 2

Band-Resisted DL greens around 100# plate
a bunch of botched sets first
225 x 5, 275 x 3, 225 x 5

Dumbbell Swings, Banded Hypers, Transverse

Ryan Bench Assistance 7/22/11

Strict Press-
115 x5
125 x5
135 x5
145 x4
135 x5

Incline Bench-
155 x5
165 x5
175 x5
185 x5
195 x5

Shoulder Press-
40's x8
50's x8x2

Iso-later High Row-
heavy weight x8x3

RearDealt Rows-
130 x8
140 x8
150 x10

Preacher Dumbbell hammer curls-
25 x8 each arm
30 x8 each arm
30 x10 each arm

Captains chair x3
PNF hams + groin

Bench Assist Friday 07-22-11



300x1 @10


Shoulder work

Felt good to get 300lbs on my back today and squat it. Was kinda grindy, but overall not too bad for no belt and after only 4 days of lifting.

For the Deadlifts, I have adopted a new stance. It's basically a close-stance sumo, and it feels pretty good. Need to practice a bit more with it, but it feels like it distributes the work pretty evenly across my legs, hips, and back. Here is a form vid at 315 (taken by Cheryl):

Deadlift Assist Thursday 07-21-11

Good Mornings
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5,5,5

Band Resisted Deadlift
225 x 5, 5, 5

Banded Hypers
Dumbbell Pull-Throughs

161.5 lbs

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Deadlift assistance 7/21/11

Good mornings
315 x 5
335 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 5
405 x 5 

Speed pulls w/ greens
275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
Soooooo tiring

185 x 5 per leg
185 x 5 per leg
185 x 5 per leg

Banded hypers with blues
3 sets of 20

3 sets of floor sweepers

Cycle 2 Week 2 Bench Assistance

I realized about half way through this workout that doing all this assistance work may not be doing much positive for me this close to the meet but instead may just be hindering recovery for the power lifts. My shoulder joints were feeling sore during floor press, which was most likely from the heavy shirt work on Tuesday.

Floor press
185 x 5
205 x 5

Dumbbell rows
170 x 10

BW x 15, 10

Barbell shrugs
405 x 15, 15

Finished with 3 supersets of light shoulder press/hammer curls.

Post-training BW: 198.2 lbs

Ryan Deadlift Assist 7/21/11

Good Mornings-
365 x5
395 x5
405 x5
415 x5
back was shot at this point

Banded deadlifts w/ greens-
255 x5
315 x5
325 x4 (this was the third set that the clip fell off and the band came off mid workout so I said f#$k it)
315 x5

Skipped lunges because my back was completely shot

Banded Reverse Hypers x3
Floor sweeps x3

Bench Assistance

Savickas Press-

175x3 +10 LB PR @10

Raw 3 Board Press-

DB Row w/ 135lb DB



Front Squat:

Bench Press:


Upper back definitely felt the front squats today. Good for teh abz as well.

EDIT: Also, I am only listing the top single for the day on these posts to keep them brief. In reality I work up using 10lb jumps starting at around 70%, doing triples or singles.


GPP with 55 lb kettlebell

Start with 35 minutes of rolling,
Mobility, stretching work then...

All with no rest

21 kettlebellswings
100 yard sprint
15 kettlebellswings
100 yard sprint
9 kettbellswkings
100 yard sprint

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


275x1 @8

315x1x2 @ 7

Some accessory pushups, inverted rows, etc

Body is slowly getting back to previous strength levels. Abs are struggling to adapt to squatting and pulling beltless.

Bench 7/19/11

225 x 3 @9 hmm
225 x 3 @9
225 x 1 stopped bc liftoff screwed me off, i benched this with my back flat on the bench
225 x 3 @10
Not feeling it today, last week I got these for 5

Pause Bench
185 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3

Close Grip off 2-Board
185 x 5

Then I saw Ryan and Danny doing Tricep Death so I decided to join
missed a couple of reps on the 2nd & 3rd set

Chest Supported Rows
3 plates x 8
3 plates + Qtr x 8
3 plates + 35lb x 8

Supersetted w/ Machine Shrugs
12 plates x 15
14 plates x 10
14 plates x 10


Recovery Squat 6/18/11

405 x 3 @9
420 x 3 @10 old PR
Stopped here.

Band Lightened Squat w/ Greens
455 x 5
475 x 5
495 x 5
515 x 5

Leg Press
10 plates x 8
12 plates x 8
14 plates x 8
16 plates x 8

Supersetted Ab work and jumprope

Luke 7-19-11 bench ed coan wk 5

185 x 5 @ 8+
185 x 5 @ 9-
the benches at this 24 are low and mess up my arch. My shoulder hurt a little today. Also there is no chest supported row machine or shrug machine... note to self: do not go to arcadia for bench day...

Close Grip Bench
165 x 5 @ 9-
165 x 5 @ 9-

Incline Bench
145 x 5 @ 8
145 x 5 @ 8

Isolateral Chest Supported Row kinda thing machine
3 plates per arm x 8 x 3

405 x 20 x 3


Bench 3 Cycle 2

235 x 3 @ 8+
245 x 3 @ 9
255 x 2 + .5fail @ first two reps were quick, but I didn't have the energy for a third, I'm satisfied with this set regardless

Pause Bench
205 x 3 x 3 Stopped before the last rep cause my elbow/bicep tendons were hurting pretty badly

Reverse flyes, Chest-supported row, Shrugs, abs

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If you follow closely you'll notice I skipped something

uneventful with grip issues

175 x 3 @8
180 x 3 @9-
185 x 3 @9

Pause bench (3 sec)
135 x 5
145 x 5 x 4
Higher rep pause bench with no one to count kind of screws me up

Decline bench
155 x 5 x 2
165 x 5 x 2

Chest supported rows, upright rows superset


Cycle 2 Week 2 Suited Deads

430 x 1 @8+ <--planned opener

Finished with 4 sets of banded GHRs, 3 sets of banded hypers, 3 sets of standing abs, and some stretching.

Ryan Bench 7/19/11

235 x3
240 x3
245 x3 (10lb PR)

Pause Bench-
195 x3
205 x3
215 x3

Tricep Death (0-4 board, 5 reps each, rep out at 4 board)
125, 135x2

Chest Supported Rows-
2 plates
3 x8x3

Shrugs up to 7 plates

Tricep Pull-downs SS Tricep Dips


Bench meh

Injury status:

left shoulder: 10%. I can't press at all without significant pain (strength is still there)
bicep tendons: 70%. no numbness (yay), but still some discomfort. full strength though
right triceps tendon: 80%. mild tendonitis, mostly during triceps exercises.

I tried just hitting the bar, but the rotator cuff would not have it. It's feeling better, but more rest is needed.

(Sort of) Arnold Press:
35s x 30
45s x 20
55s x 10
65 x 8
75 x 5, 6, 5

If i keep my elbows really close when pressing, the shoulder feels fine, so I did these just to do some sort of compound exercise. Stopped at 75s when I started feeling like stability might be an issue.

Dumbbell Row:
85 x 8 (no pain)
100 x 8
115 x 8
130 x 6?

Gotta keep working on these.

Superset rows with one-arm triceps extensions.

Superset curls (up to 60s) sets of 6 and cable triceps for sets of 30. I did a few very light cable flyes too just to flush the area with blood and maybe remind my pecs what they're there for. :/

Finished with ab wheel and pnf. I really hope this shoulder thing heals quickly.

Squat 3

475 x 3,
495 x 3, 3 @ 9, 3 @ 9+, 3 @ 10

475 felt light and fast. Around the 3rd set, I could tell I had deadlifted 3 days prior. The last set was rushed because the spotters were leaving and was a bit of a grinder. Overall, fairly satisfied.

SS-bar box squat:
185 x 5
225 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 5

Fairly gassed at this point, but started to recover strength on these

Leg Press:
4 plates x 12
5 plates x 10, 10, 10

I got really tired on these.

Finished with ball transversus and pnf.

Bench Assistance

Left shoulder was still wrecked. Focused on upper back for deadlift weakpoint.

Bent-over rows:
275 x 5, 5, 6, 5, 5

Cable Rows:
190? x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

4-star has this ancient cable row that is plate-loaded. The wire has no grease and it creaks, which is awesome.

superset rows with:
One-arm Tricep extensions:
5 sets up to 55's x 8

worked up 50s x 6

superset with Cable Triceps, light sets of 30.

Ab wheel and stretching.

Deadlift  5 3

625 x 1
675 x 2 + 1f
675 x 2

Lots of personal problems on this. 625 felt solid. I was using the IPF-style bar for deadlifts, but its knurling was fairly smooth. By the time I hit 675, I couldn't hold on to the 3rd rep at the top. I was originally going for 5 as well, but my upper-back was shot. I've really been neglecting it in my workouts the past two cycles and I paid for it big time today.

After the first set, I felt strangely fine (usually I'm wrecked after a heavy set), so I switched out the bar for a better one with more knurling and did a double. Again, it was the upper back that failed first.

185 x 5
225 x 5, 5, 5

used their shrug bar/platform/handle things
450? x 4 sets til failure (~20)

Superset with Banded hamstring curls (4 sets).

Floor sweeper abs and stretching

Bench Tuesday 07-19-11

145 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 3

Pause Bench
125 x 3
135 x 3
140 x 3

Cable Flys
Chest Supported Rows

Body Weight:


Speed Pulls
Add Doubled Monster minis on platform
These 6 singles felt super fast, but after the last single I def felt a little fatigue.


I could of doubled 550 for sure, maybe a triple.
the weight is slow off the floor and flies up after the first 2 inches.
I think my lack of raw squatting is why my deadlift is getting hard off the floor.
with this speed, after 8 speed pulls, I definetly feel better about my deads for the meet, I think triples week was just 1 bad week.
Front squat



warmed up then worked up to
265x1 @ 8 RPE

warmed up then worked up to
225x1 @ 9 RPE



Add Super Katana
275x3 ~ 3board
315x3 ~ 1 board
345x1 @7 Planned Opener
375x1 @10+ Misgroove, grinded it
375x1 @9 Good, fairly quick +10lb PR, Planned Second Attempt.

3x5 with 225 to work Technique
5x10 Lat pulls, various grips

Luke 7-18-11 squat 3x3

355 x 3 @ 9-
375 x 3 @ 9+
390 x 3 @ 10+ (5 pound PR) last rep was really slow
Note: I have been doing squats facing the mirror so I can see my depth which has generally been good. Also I have no spotter and instead rely on the pins, although I have not failed yet.

Pause Squat with 3 second self imposed count
345 x 3 @ 10 (10 pound PR) first 2 reps were quick counts

Leg Press
8 plates x 10
10 plates x 10 x 2

Abductors and Adductors

Bosu Ball Transversus

7/18 Cycle 2 Squat

Squat 3x3

Band Lightened - monster minis

50 GHD Sit Ups
50 Box Jump Burpees

Monday, July 18, 2011

Squat Monday 07-18-11

245 x 3
255 x 3
265 x 3 <--PR

Band Lightened Squat
315 x 5,5,5

Box Jumps

Ryan Squat 7/18/11

305 x3
315 x3
325 x3 @9- (10lb PR)

Band Assist (Oranges)-
355 x5x2
365 x5

Leg Press-
10 plates x8x2
12 x8

Plyos x1 (aggravated calf muscle)

Cycle 2 Week 2 Shirted Bench

Sleeves were turned more inward than last week, making the shirt a little tighter. Also, after the first set, I had the shoulders seated more properly by having the back held/anchored from the inside while swimming a little more.<---probably makes no sense at all if you haven't trained in a shirt

275 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1
305 x 1 @10
310 x 1 @10+
Still having problems with touching too low, ass coming up, and head coming up, but at least now I have a slight idea of where my projected 3rd attempt will be (somewhere around 300) assuming I can get my opener in and not bomb out...

Finished with 3 sets of bench with 155 to work technique and 4 sets of lat pulldowns.

300th Post

I would like to congratulate Greg and myself for each achieving the Class 1 posting total of 300 posts.

Good job Greg! We made it!

Post 5,000

5,000th Post!

We made it, team! Go UCLA Powerlifting!

Just over a year ago, I posted number 2,500. Doubled in a year.

Squat 3 Cycle 2

305 x 3
315 x 3 U-G-L-Y
275 x 5

Front Squat to save elbow
135 x 7 x 4

Leg Press, Transverse, Plyos

7/18 Weakness

Woke up at 6 today and drove down to LA. Got to my apt at about 12, and headed over to the gym.

Tried to get as limber as I could and get used to the motions again, and worked up to
225x1x3 @7-8 RPE

Again, more limbering than anything
183x3 @8 RPE

Then some accessory work (chins, abs, etc) and stretching. Feeder workout for tomorrow afternoon.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bench Assistance 7/15/2011

Overhead Press
115 x 5 @8
125 x 5 @ 9
135 x 5 @10
135 x 5 @10
135 x 5 @10
These felt ridiculously hard at 8:30 am

Incline Bench
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5

Dumbbell Overhead Press
60's x 10
65's x 10
65's x 10

SS Cable Rows @ Facepulls

SS Biceps & Abs
effin beat after this.

Deadlifts 7/14/2011

465 x 3 @8.5
500 x 3 @10 15lb PR
I've been wanting to hit this for sooooo long.


Deficit Deadlifts
345 x 5
345 x 5
345 x 5
Hands were fried after this

Calves/Intense PNF/Abs

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Theraband walks.

Add Super Centurion-
Straps down-
Straps up-
Add Wraps
545x1 @ 7- (opener)
585x1 @ 9+ (2nd Attempt) + 10 LB PR

30 Yard Prowler Push


Hanging leg raises

Friday, July 15, 2011

Luke 7-15-11 Press

Standing Press
95 x 5 @ 7
115 x 5 @ 9
125 x 4 @ 10+ WTF I can never get this weight for 5
115 x 5 @ 9+
115 x 5 @ 9-
So I've seen no improvement in standing press or push press over the past few months. It's kinda bullshit. Maybe it's because I went to the 2:50 am showing of HP7. I am always tired on press day though, so I think I would begin to see some progress.

Pause Bench with 2-3 second self imposed pause. Felt hard after press. I do incline on bench day instead.
135 x 5
155 x 5 @ 8
165 x 5 @ 10-
175 x 5 @ 10+
I'm pretty happy with the pause bench. I had no shoulder pain today and I kept a good tuck. I like doing some form of barbell bench twice a week. It gives me confidence.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
35's x 8
45's x 8 x 2
50's x 8
I was surprised at how easy these felt. I am going to try to go heavier next week.

Weighted Pull Ups instead of rows because back was hurting from deadlift day, most likely deficit lifts. I used my homemade dip belt for these.
BW x 8
BW + 45 x 12 PR
BW + 45 x 8
BW + 45 x 5 fatigued from that PR I guess

Face Pulls
4 sets of 10

Incline Curls
35's x 6 x 3 need to do moooaaar curls naaauu


Luke 7-14-11 Deadlift

deadlifted at 24 hour fitness with no chalk as usual. Also like I said before, the octagon plates bounce weirdly and roll away so I have to reset every rep either by moving the bar or moving my feet. Either way I lose all tightness. Triples are more like 3 singles with 5-10 seconds of rest.

405 x 3 @ 9-
425 x 2 + fail. This may have been a grip fail. I got the last rep off the ground, but I don't think I could have held on to grind it out so I put it down. It's bothering me that I can't lift as much as I think I should. I don't know if I'm weaker or if the plates are really messing me up. At least I am not failing on the ground.

Deficit Deadlift off of a 45
225 x 8
265 x 8
285 x 8 PR

420 x 30
480 x 35
520 x 30

Hamstring Curls


-Also a question to the team especially Dave-
I like to deadlift by myself and without getting psyched up. I like to stay calm and pull the weight without anyone yelling at me and without feeling pressured. At a meet I like to nose tork and get fired up for a big lift. Is there any advantage to training this way? Is it good to save the psyche up for when it's important or should I be training in meet like conditions and get pumped for every heavy deadlift set?

Bench Assist

Savickis Press-
165x5 PR +2 Reps!

Banded Pushdowns

Chest Supported Rows


Rotator Cuff Work


Cycle 2 Week 1 Bench Assistance/Cycle 2 Week 2 Suited Squat

AM Bench Assistance
Floor press
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5

Dumbbell rows
160 x 10, 10

PM Squats at UCLA <33333
405 x 1
440 x 1 @9+ <--planned second attempt

Leg press
8 plates x 3 x 15

Barbell shrugs
405 x 20
455 x 15, 15

Finished with 3 supersets of light shoulder press/light bicep curls.

24 Hour Sandbagging

7/11/11 Squat Day
315 x 5 @ 8
335 x 5 @ 9
355 x 5 (10 lb PR) @ 10
Pause Squats:
285 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 3
Leg Press:
4 Plates x 8
4 + 25 x 8
5 x 8
5 + 25 x 8
7/12/11 Bench
165 x 5 @ 8
175 x 5 @ 9.5+
175 x 5 @ 10-
Pretty bad form, no pause and pretty much bounced. I know this weight should feel kinda light, but my elbows are on fire when I bench these days. Light Press downs barely seem to help
Pause Bench:
145 x 5
150 x 3
155 x 5
Pin Press:
165 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
Shrug Machine:
320 x 50
360 x 50
410 x 50
410 x 50
Bro Ro:
100s x 12 x 4
7/14/11 Deadlifts
395 x 3 @9
415 x 3 @ 10-
These were done with straps, though.
Sandbag Hyper extensions w/ a 25 lb weight:
30, 30, 25, 20
Deficit Dls:
235 X 5
245 X 5
245 X 5

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ryan Deadlift 7/14/11

Ugh, I didn't have a midterm to study for. teehee

425 x3
475 x3 (old pr was 475, but this one looked and felt a little easier. Still disappointed in my form though)

As a comparison, I have both videos.

old 475 x3 (starts at 14 seconds)

new 475 x3

Mental note: I need to hurry the f*$k up when I deadlift.

x4 sets

315 x5x3
focused a lot of keeping my back tight and my hips down. Had Mis watch to make sure.

Calves x4
Floor sweeps

yay Vit <3

Deadlift 3

405 x 3 (1 rep PR)
This is all I wanted to accomplish. Then I filmed Vit hitting 440 squat suited and then bounced. Yeah that's right, Vit, at UCLA.

7/14 Cycle 2 Deadlift

Deadlift 2-3x3
205x1 (yeah, no.)

Felt like shit. Never deadlifting w/o the team again. A meal would've helped.

Deficit 3-4x5

Tabata Squats

Bench 3

My left shoulder was hurting terribly all day, even when just moving about.

285 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 2 (stopped)

My shoulder kept aching and I couldn't really push like I needed to, so I just stopped to avoid further injury.

Close-grip bench:
135 x 1

These hurt worse.

bw x 0

These hurt worse.

Got demoralized and did some pull ups (with bands due to shoulder pain). Then walked a mile on the treadmill uphill so that I did at least something at the gym.

Deadlift Thursday 07-14-11

225 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 3


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Might be the shortest workout post on the blog

275 x 5 x 5

Front squat
155 x 5
175 x 5 x 3

Leg press, cable abs superset

Bench 5 Cycle 2

225 x 5 @ 8+
235 x 5 @ 9+
245 x 4 (1 rep PR)

Pause Bench
for some reason I had zero energy left here
205, 195, 185 x 5

Arnold Press
45 x 8, 8, 6, 6
These were nearly supersetted.

Chest supported row, shrugs, abs

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bench Day 7/12/2011

205 x 5 @8
225 x 5 @9.5 15lb PR
235 x 3 ffffffffffffff
Still having trouble keeping a locked position with my butt down. All of these were done with a strict pause though

Pause Bench
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 3

3-Board Close Grip Bench
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
waaay tired

SS Chest Supported Rows
3 plates x 8
3 plates + QTR x 8
3 plates + 35lb x 8

Machine Shrugs
10 plates x 25
12 plates x 20
14 plates x 20


7/12 Cycle 2 Bench 1

3x5 Bench
120x5 (PR)

3x5 Pause

5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Snatch (#35) - 5 each arm
20 V-Ups
Time: 8:15

Ryan Bench 7/12/11

205 x5
225 x5x2 (10lb pr)

Pause Bench-
185 x5
195 x5x2

Tricep Death w/ close grip (about four fingers in from normal bench w/ emphasis on using tri's)-
5 reps each of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 boards in succession-
135 x2 (2nd set I failed on first rep of 4 board)
this exercise, with focus on using my tris and after I had already exhausted my chest, absolutely demolished my tris. Huge pump and burning sensation. I liked it.

Chest supported Rows-
3 plates x8 x2
3 plates x10

Shrugs up to 14 plates
GHR Abs x3

Bench Tuesday 07-12-11

135 x 5
145 x 5,5

Pause Bench
135 x 4 no fail
115 x 5, 5

Chest Supported Rows
Incline Dumbbell Curls

162.5 lbs

Cycle 2 Week 1 Suited Deadlift

425 x 3 @9

Finished with 4 sets of banded GHRs, 4 sets of banded hypers, and 3 sets of standing abs.
Post-training BW: 197.8 lbs.



Deficit deadlift 1 1/2" deficit


Band abductors

Not bad considering I came into this workout disgustingly sore from benching yesterday,
My traps, upper and lower back and biceps were all sore as hell
This was honestly my first REAL deadlift workout since my 600 pull May 25th or something
I've only pulled once with hex plates since then, glad to see I didn't loose much.

Luke 7-12-11 Bench Ed Coan wk 4

175 x 8 @ 10-
175 x 8 @ 10-

Close Grip Bench
155 x 8 @ 9+ PR
155 x 8 @ 9-

Incline Bench
135 x 8 @ 8+
135 x 8 @ 8

405 x 15
455 x 12
500 x 9 PR

Chest Supported Row
worked up to 3 plates x 8 x 2

Cable Crunch Abs

Bronto Update

Well another update on my lifting. Just got back in the gym after about a 17 day hiatus. The physical activity during the hiatus consisted basically of walking around, lifting rocks, and cutting down trees. As such I am in a state of weakness, and will be training to get strong once again.

Bad thing: I will not be able to lift in the evenings for summer and fall, because I have MCAT review classes (summer) and EMT night classes (fall). Will still post my training on the blog though.

Good thing: My EMT classes are on weekdays, so I should be able to compete in the November meet.

Luke 7-11-11 Squat

335 x 5 @ 9
355 x 5 @ 10-
370 x 5 @ 10 PR of 5 pounds

Pause Squat with self imposed 3 second pause
315 x 3 @ 10-
335 x 3 @ 10 PR of 10 pounds

Leg Press
on a machine went up to 500 x 10

Abs and stretching

Squat 5

Shoulders felt terrible today.

415 x 5
435 x 5
455 x 5
475 x 5 @ 9
495 x 5 (+10 PR) @ 9+

Man, these look high from this angle but I could've sworn i sunk them...

SS-bar box squats:
245 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5

Leg Press:
5 plates x 10, 10
6 plates x 10, 10

Finished with pnf and transversus abs

Deadlift Assistance

Good mornings:
365 x 5
405 x 5
435 x 5
455 x 5

My lower back was feeling rough still, so I sandbagged on these.

Speed pulls:
275 x 3 x 10

I tried rigging up the bands in 4-star to do these but couldn't get enough resistance. :(

Banded hamstring curls:
4 sets


Bench 5:
275 x 5
285 x 5
295 x 5, 5, 5

The spotter misloaded the first set at 295, which messed things up. The other sets were a bit off because of that. My shoulders felt a bit rough today.

Stability bench:
60 x 10, 10
80 x 7, 7

Incline bench:
60 x 10
70 x 10
75 x 10
80 x 10

Tricep extensions:
30 x 15
35 x 15
40 x 15
45 x 15

Wide-grip pull ups:
4 sets

Supine rows:
4 sets

4 sets

Squat 5

405 x 1
455 x 1, 1

4-star was empty today and 455 felt terrible, so i just stopped. :(

SS-bar box squats:
245 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5, 5

Did some abs, plyos and pnf.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Squat Monday 07-11-11

205 x 5
225 x 5
245 x 5 <--PR

Band-Aided Squat
315 x 5, 5, 5

Leg Press
no go after 3 reps, haha


162.5 lbs

Squat 5 Cycle 2

275 x 5 @ 9
285 x 5 @ 9
305 x 5 @ 10 (20 lb PR)
These were kinda nasty, but I hit it, and had to keep up w/ Ryan.

Band-Lightened Squat purples
335 x 4
335 x 5 then my elbow starting hurting so I backed off
295 x 5

Leg Press
4 plates x 8 reps x 3 sets

Transverse, PNF

shirted bench

Add Super Katana
275x3 ~3 board
315x1 ~1board
355x2 @ 9- PR
365x2 @ 9 PR, I think I could triple this.

Super Wide Grip Paused Bench
Focused on keeping scaps and everything tight

Lat Pulls

Ryan Squat 7/11/11

265 x5
285 x5
305 x5 <-- was my last weight x3 and is 10lb PR

Band-Assisted Squat-
335 x5
355 x5
375 x5

Leg Press-
10 plates x10x2
12 plates x10

Cable Transverse Abs x3

Squat Day 7/11/2011

Front Squat
225 x 5 @8
245 x 5 @8.5
265 x 5 @9 PR 20lb
275 x 5 @9 PR 30lb
285 x 5 @10 PR 40lb
These felt nice on my lower back.

Leg Press
8 plates x 5
10 plates x 5
12 plates x 5
14 plates x 5
16 plates x 5

Dumbbell Lunges
75lb dumbbell per hand x 6 per leg
75lb dumbbell per hand x 6 per leg
75lb dumbbell per hand x 6 per leg

Jumprope & Floor sweepers


Cycle 2 Week 1 Shirted Bench

My goal was to try and touch in the shirt today. I did, but most of the reps were too low/ugly. I didn't belt any reps today because it became clear that the shirt was too tight to touch if it's pulled down and belted.

255 x 2 ~3-4 inches away
265 x 2 ~2 inches away
275 x 1 <1 inch away
285 x 1 touched, but about 2 inches too low
295 x 1 touched a little higher, but uneven extension

All sets were @9-10. Next week I'm going to soak the shirt beforehand to try and get the shoulders seated a little better.

Finished with 4 sets of lat pulldowns.

7/11 Squat 1

Took all of Cycle 1 off (3 weeks) from squatting b/c of hip. First day going heavy.

5x5 Squat

As Nick says, pause = bad on TFL. No go.

5 Rounds
20 Box Jumps (22" box)
40 Double Unders

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bench Assistance 7/9/11

Seated Military Press
135 x 5 @8
135 x 5 @9
145 x 5 @9.5
145 x 5 @10
135 x 5 @10

Chest Supported Rows
3 plates + Qtr x 8
3 plates + Qtr x 8
3 plates + Qtr x 8
3 plates + Qtr x 8

Decline Bench
185 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
These felt nice on my lower back.

315 x 20
315 x 20
315 x 20
315 x 20
Wanted to go light on these. Took about a minute break between sets

Superset Inverted Rows & BW Dips
x15, x12, x12, x12 / x15, x20, x20, x20

Timed Ab work w/ exercise ball
3 minutes

The inflammation in my lower back is almost completely gone. I can now get out of bed without guiding myself up by using the wall and my desk. I am still amazed at the work that chiropractor did. Tomorrow I'll do front squats and avoid exercises like regular squats and good mornings where the weight rests on my back.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


add Super Centurion
Straps Down
Straps Up
Add Self Wraps
540x2x2 @ 8.5
I'm Reallllllllllly Happy with this, this is what I plan to open with I think I could hit it 3 or 4 times.
Also the biggest thing is my knees are hardly coming in, im throwing in band abductions 2x a week

Ultra Low, Ultra Wide Box Squats-
I stick at the very bottom of these hard. This was a good height.

Leg Extensions


Band Abductors

Luke 7-9-11 Press

Somewhat rushed for time... I seem to be getting worse each week on push press, although last week I was feeling sick and today I was somewhat hungover and tired.

Push Press
115 x 5 @ 8
135 x 5 @ 10 I actually failed the 4th rep and had to retry it
135 x 5 @ 9 I pushed my head through and my arms back on these and it helped
145 x 3+fail tired and weak, mostly weak

Pin Press (2-3 board aka weak point)
185 x 6 @ 10-
205 x 3 @ 10+
blah I hate doing these because I feel like a tool benching in the only squat rack. Same goes for floor press. I could do foam roller press, but I need 2 spotters for that, at least of whom needs to be competent. I really need to do some board work or partial range work, but it is difficult when I'm by myself. I know my strength in bench is way lower now from the Ed Coan routine and I fear I will end up maxing at 205-210 when it's over.

Dumbbell Rows with straps
120 x 8 x 2 per arm

Pull Ups Dips superset

Cycle 2 Week 1 Suited Squat

370 x 1
425 x 1+1 fail
I lost tightness at the bottom on both of these reps, only difference was I couldn't grind out the second one like I did the first
315 x 3, 3, 3
Getting better at self wrapping my knees. I may end up doing this at the meet(?)

Finished with 4 sets of GHRs and 4 sets of standing abs. I was told to minimize assistance work since there's only 2 more training weeks after this one before the meet.

Also Steve Denison, president of the USPA, was at OCSC doing a little squatting today. I met him and spoke to him for a while. He seems like a pretty friendly guy. He asked what David Jurgens was up to and wondered why he hadn't seen him in a while...I told him "i don't know, he stopped talking to me after I left UCLA :( " And yes I even made a sad face...j/k I only said good things about Dave <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Good evening

Good mornings
325 x 5
335 x 5
345 x 5
355 x 5
365 x 5

135 x 8 x 4

Leg press

GHR (weakling version), cable abs superset

Push press
135 x 5 x 2
145 x 5 x 2
145 x miss+3+miss

Cable row
200 x 8
210 x 8
220 x 8
230 x 8

Incline bench
135 x 5
145 x 5
150 x 5 x 2 sort of

Pull ups,
BW x 15 x 2
BW x 12 x 2
BW x 6
dips superset
BW x 10 x 4


Bench Assist Friday 07-08-11

Push Press
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5, 5

Supine Rows (fatboy pullups?)
4 sets

3 Board Press
135 x 5, 5
145 x 5, 5


Hammer Curls with 20 lbs


Bench Assistance

Hang Clean to Push Press
115 x 5
125 x 4
125 x 5
135 x 4

Supine Row 4 sets

3 Board
ryan and I decided to go up in 10 lb increments until one of us failed
spoiler: we both had a mental lapse at 275 and called it a tie
225, 235, 245, 255, 265 x 5
275 x 3

Dips, Biceps, Abs

Bench Assistance

Savickas Press-
155x3,3 PR
165x3 PR

Deadhang Pullups

Skull Crushers

Face Pulls

Deadlift Assist.

did these instead of GMs to save my elbow
315, 335, 345, 335 x 5

Band-Resisted DL
we quadded the oranges
135, 155, 185, 185 x 5

Leg Press, Banded Hypers, Abs

Ryan Bench Assist 7/8/11

Push Press-
135 x5
145 x5
155 x5x2

T-bar rows-
2 plates x8
3p x8
3 +25 x8
4 x8
4 +35 x8

Board Work (3 board)-
225 x5
235 x5
245 x5
255 x5
265 x5
275 x3

Dips/Pull ups x3
bi's abs x3

Chiropractor Visit

Went to the chiropractor today for a tune up. Apparently there were a number of things that were straightened out all over my back. As far as throwing out my back from squatting goes, the tune up should completely take care of it. The inflammation is still there and he said it might take two sleep cycles for me to be 100%. If I lift while there is any sign of pain it might turn into a strain and keep me out of the gym for two months. I haven't lifted since Wed for benching. But would it be smart for me to do dlift assistance and bench assistance on Sunday before squats? There is no other time I can do it. My back is still hurting and I wanna wait a few days. Let me know what y'all think.

"Bench" Day 7/6/2011

Floor Press
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
I had to do these since I threw out my back on squats.

Bench Press Machine thing
4 sets of 5

3 sets of 15

Pull Ups
x12, x10, x10

Machine Rows
3 sets of 10

Bis and Tris

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cycle 1 Week 3 Bench Assistance

Push press
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5 @9 PR

T-bar rows (belted)
250 x 8
260 x 8, 5

Floor press
135 x 5
185 x 5, 5

Barbell shrugs
There were about 6 people lifting at my gym today, and oddly they all cleared out right before I started shrugging. Almost as if they knew I had a long day and needed some alone time with a barbell.
495 x 15
585 x 10
635 x 10 PR

In other news, my bodyweight after a pretty big meal and lots of water after lifting: 202.4 lbs...more cushion for the pushin' (and I don't mean benching). However, I weighed 196 lbs in the morning so this was mostly water weight (at least that's what I'll keep telling myself).

Luke 7-7-11 Squat and Lower Back

355 x 1 @ 8
375 x 1 @ 9+
395 x 1 @ 10+ ugly
395 x 1 @ 10- much better
405 x 1 @ 10

Good Mornings
135 x 8
185 x 5
185 x 8
did these unbelted, slowly with strict form. My back was feeling wrecked after the heavy squats

Zercher Squats
135 x 8
185 x 8
225 x 8 looked good
245 x 8 kinda ugly, hard

Leg Curls

Deadlift Assist Thursday 07-07-11

Good Morning
205 x 5
225 x 5
245 x 5
225 x 5, 5

Band Resisted Deadlift
135 x 5
135 x 5 with chalk from here on
145 x 5
155 x 5

Banded Hyper-extentions
Leg Press

Ryan Deadlift Assist 7/7/11

375 x5
385 x5
395 x5
405 x5

Banded Deadlifts-
45's with doubled** oranges x5
45 + 25 x5
45 + 45 x5
45 +50 x5

Leg Press-
10 x8
12 x8
14 x8

Banded Hypers x3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ryan Bench 7/6/11

225 x1
235 x1
245 x1
255 x1
265 x1 (20lb PR)

265 went up moderately quick, but decided not to get greedy and go for 275. My day will come.

Floor press w/ pause at the bottom-
185 x8
195 x5
205 x5
215 x5

DB bench-
75 x8
80 x6
80 x5

Shrugs up to 7 plates x30
Pull downs @ 190 x8
Cable transverse x3

Luke 7-6-11 Bench Ed Coan wk 3

Got sunburned on the 4th so I'll squat tomorrow along with good mornings and hopefully my skin isn't as painful to be touched.

170 x 8 @ 9-
170 x 8 @ 9
once again my left shoulder hurt throughout the workout.

Close Grip Bench (maybe a finger wider than shoulder width)
145 x 8 @ 9
145 x 8 @ 10-

Incline Bench
125 x 8 @ 9-
125 x 8 @ 9-

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with strict form
180 x 8
190 x 8
200 x 8

315 x 15
405 x 15
455 x 22 with 2 breaks every 7 reps or so

7/5 Cycle 1 Bench 3 PR-DOM

Bench Singles - 'MERICA
145x1 -- Fail
145x1 -- OWNED

3x5 Floor Press

Dumbbell Bench - must. start. higher.

Bench 1 Cycle 1

worked up to
275 x 1 (10 lb PR)

Floor Press
205 x 5 x 2
215 x 5

Dumbbell Bench
75, 80, 85, 90 x 5
95 x 7 Danny and I had a comp. at repping 95's

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm still a powerlifter I swear

295 x 1 x 3 @9
305 x 1 x 2@9

Zercher squat
205 x 5
225 x 5 x 3 at least I kind of lost count

Pause squat
225 x 3 x 2
235 x 3

Abs and jump lunges

195 x 1 x 4 @9 to 9+
195 x I suck

Dumbbell bench
60 x 8
65 x 8 x 3

Decline bench
145 x 5 x 4
Don't know if it was the lack of decline or the burnout from dumbbell but these were really hard

Lat pulldown,
180 x 8 x 4
upright rows superset
70 x 8 x 4
Going to try upright rows because I don't feel shrugs in my traps anymore

even more abs

Squat Tuesday 07-05-11

245 x 1
255 x 1 high?
255 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 1

135 x 5,5,5

Pause Squat
175 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3


"Squat Day" 7/5/2011

375 x 1
Had to stop here. As I was warming up I felt my lower back giving out. I unracked 395 twice and started shaking so I put it back. My lower back completely gave out and I started leg pressing. This was the first time I tried my new shoes to squat and it felt great during the warm ups.

Leg Press
8 plates (altogether) x 10
10 plates x 10
12 plates x 10
14 plates x 10
16 plates x 10
These actually felt nice bc my back was leaning on something.

Dumbbell Lunges
60's x 7 per leg
60's x 5 per leg
60's x 5 per leg
60's x 5 per leg

Supersetted the Quad machine and calf machine
4 sets each

Tried foam roller transversus but had a hard time laying on it. The more I cooled off the more my back started to hurt. I tried hanging from the pull up bar and rolling it out. This weekend I went camping and I didn't have a mat for my sleeping bag. The ground was pretty rough and it kinda hurt my back in the morning when I would wake up, but nothing serious. I hope this isn't serious.

Ryan Squat 7/5/11

First day of weightlifting shoes; may take some getting used too.

315 x1
325 x1x4 (-20lb pr)

Brought my stance in on my last set and that seemed to help. I just need to improve my form overall.

225 x5x3

Pause Squat-
225 x3
235 x3
245 x3


Shitty day

Deadlift Assistance

Didn't make it to the gym today, instead deadlifted in Trevor's backyard

Add Doubled Monster Mini's
435x5  @ 8ish


Farmers walk
150 Per hand x 80 FT
240 Per Hand x 40 FT
310 Per Hand x 25 FT


Band Abductors

Cycle 1 Week 3 Light Deadlifts

Just light suited deadlifts for technique work today.

365 x 1, 1, 1

Did some GHR's and other random stuff to try and fix squat technique, mainly attempting to keep the weight over midfoot, activate the hamstrings more and keep the chest up.

Squat 1 Cycle 1

My goal at this point was to hit 355.
I worked up to 315 and then went down to hitting a plate.
I have had acute pain in my TFL, which I was able to stretch out, but was so tight around my hip flexors besides the TFL, and generally my legs, that I was incredibly slow in the bottom -- fighting my way in and out of the hole.

Transverse Abs


also took Vit's advice, no shirt work today, my wrist and elbows hurt.

3 Sec Pause Bench

Tricep deathz

lots of Rows

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cycle 1 Week 3 Raw Bench

No shirted bench today to give the elbows/wrists/life a break.

Bench (brief pause)
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5 @9+

Incline dumbbells
60s x 4 x 10

Wide grip pullups
BW x 12, 12, 12

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Add Super Centurion
(Straps down)
(Straps up)
Add Self Wraps-
525x1 @ 7- lol supa fast
After 525, The 24 hour worker please requested I use the Sissy pad while squatting this weight in order to
protect my cervical spine discs. I thought about it, but it just pissed me off.

575x1@9+ PR +10 lbs

Band Resisted Box Squats

Lots of Abs

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Luke 7-2-11 Press

Push Press
105 x 5 @ 7
125 x 5 @ 9
135 x 5 @ 9+
145 x 4 @ 10- lost balance at top and was afraid to do 5th
135 x 5 @ 9+
My shoulder was hurting during these kinda. I started from a hang clean and pushed from an elbows up position like how Ross does kinda. It helps to get the push started and felt better on my left shoulder.

Dumbbell Row
120 x 8 x 3 per arm with straps

Dumbbell Bench
60's x 8
65's x 8 x 2
left shoulder still hurt

Pull Ups / Dips superset
this felt awful. I was so tired I got about 10 of each per set. this superset is always hard for me, and this time I felt sick after


Bench Assistance

Push Press
105, 115, 125, 135, 135 x 5
Doing a plate wasn't too difficult but I have a lot of trouble locking out my elbows at the top and holding it.

2 Board
I think I'm stronger off of a 2 board than a 3. Maybe because I'm relatively quick off my chest, and have a weak lockout. I should probably work with a 3 board then.
225 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5
245 x 3 I was going for 4, but alex made me laugh.

Bent-Over Barbell Row
165, 175, 185, 195

Dips, Biceps, Abs

Friday, July 1, 2011

Looks good

355 x 5 @8
365 x 5 @8
375 x 3 @9
375 wasn't a failure but my grip was ready to give so I stopped. No PRs but considering these felt really easy with a shitty bar and my knees weren't locking out too early like they had been during the year I'm feeling better about deadlifts

Good mornings
225 x 8
245 x 8 x 3
No GHR set ups so did light good mornings. Killing my wrists though.

Deficit deadlift
255 x 8 x 4

calves and whatnot

Deadlift 5

605 x 5, 5 @ 8+

I went for volume today, which means two sets instead of one, haha. Things felt decent overall, but I need to keep stretching as I can tell my sciatic nerve isn't firing at 100%

Good Mornings:
315 x 8, 8, 8, 8

Lower back was not as happy with these. I kept it light to give my bicep tendons a break and avoid taxing the lower back too much.

135 x 6
185 x 6
225 x 6, 6

185 felt much lighter than 135, so I moved up to 225 with no problem.

Finished with pnf and floor sweeper abs

6/30 Cycle 1 Deadlift

Deadlift 2x5

Deficit 3x8

GHRs - attempted 3 sets of ~10-12

Bench assistance

Standing strict OHP
190x5 @9 PR.. This wasn't very hard

Banded tricep pushdowns

Bro rows

Snatch grip High pulls
3x5 with bitch weight

Cycle 1 Week 3 Suited Squats

Squats (w/ Centurion) Straps up, self-wrapped knees
415 x 1 @9
435 x 1 @10-
450 x 1 @10

Slow as hell:

My back was fried from deadlifts two days ago and I felt it on these. All reps were slow and unimpressive. Also, the bar was uneven on the last set and I ended up touching my left elbow on my knee. A video was taken but hasn't been posted yet.

Barbell shrugs
405 x 20
495 x 12
545 x 12
585 x 10

Leg press
8 plates x 15
10 plates x 10, 10, 10

Finished with foam roller transversus and hamstring stretching.