Monday, July 25, 2011

Squat 1 Cycle 2

warm-up 315, 335
350 @ 10 (5 lb PR)
355 @ 10 (10 lb PR)

Some personal notes at this milestone:
I've been serious about consistently doing static and dynamic stretching over the past couple weeks, with an emphasis on improving hip flexor mobility and secondarily hamstrings.
Note that pre-workout dynamic stretching is hugely favorable over static stretching, and I've seen this to be consistent with my own workouts. Train smarter, not harder.
After reviewing my videos I think I've seen a large improvement (in 350, not 355) in keeping my back arched at the bottom of my squat. I think this is largely due to hip mobility. Having tight hip flexors at the bottom of a squat really pulls your hips forward in an unfavorable position and as a result rounds your back.
While this seemingly improved, my depth hasn't been completely consistent. Along with that I'm still doing a squat-morning. I think this is due to deficiencies in the glute/ham chain. Also, improved midline stability will help keep my back upright after hitting the hole, and I'll be able to activate my hips better instead of quads and further avoid squat-morning.
Overhead squats?


Vit said...

Great work on the PRs Greg! Your squat has been increasing non-stop since April. I think you're on pace to squat 500 at the 2012 collegiate nationals.

Misael said...

Yeeeeea boi! I gotta get back into that suit!

Greg said...

Thanks, Vit. Not sure about that 500 yet, but I am psyched for 2012 collegiates and equally psyched to throw some gear back on.

Vits doing it, let's go on that, Mis.

Ryan said...

Awesome numbers, Greg. I think I might have to join you boys with the gear

Nick said...

Moar Front squats.