Friday, July 29, 2011

Squat 5

My schedule is all messed up. I flipped my squat and deadlift workouts for the next two weeks to prime the deadlift with enough rest.

465 x 5
485 x 5
495 x 5 (ties PR) @ 10-

I had this 120lb Scottish guy behind me who was like "uh... this is a wee bit heavier than i think i can help with..." Still, having any spotter really gives me confidence. Pretty pleased with the last set. I think i had 5-10lbs in the tank. My form was all over though. I wasn't able to hit the hole with confidence. I need to focus on nailing it with my singles in the next two weeks.

Also, the bicep tendon pain got pretty bad towards the end. My hands were shaking from the pain and I felt really nauseous. I was planning on doing good mornings, but switched to doing leg press instead.

Leg prass:
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
7 plates x 3

My left patella tendon was feeling irritated by the last set, so I bagged it early.

Did some GHR abs. They had a donkey calf raise machine, which was exciting, so I did a few sets on that. Finished with some sort of trunk twist machine.


Greg said...

Do you have a hotel reservation for nationals?

Nick said...

Your squat is seriously a wee bit out of control.. what are you looking at for Raw Nationals like 550+?

Vit said...


Juggernaut, the said...

@Greg: yes.
@Nick: i hit 555 last cycles, so probably somewhere in there
@Vit: 340 is a bit ambitious with my shoulder :(