Monday, July 25, 2011

Cycle 2 Week 3 Shirted Bench

Bench (full commands)
275 x 1 -touched too low
275 x fail -got out of the groove on the way up and went towards my face
285 x 1 -early press call about 1/4 inch off the chest
285 x 1 -good lift, but possibly too low

The weights today went up relatively easily...the hard part is touching, and touching high enough. I will probably open up with 281 instead of 275.


Ryan said...

Vit, when are you coming up to join us again?

Good work. I'm looking forward to lifting down there with you guys.

Misael said...

275 it safe playa !!!

Vit said...

That's what I was thinking originally Mis, but if I'm having trouble touching with a lighter weight, it's going to ultimately waste more energy than if I were to touch quicker with a heavier weight.

Either way, a 6-7 lb difference may not even make that much of a difference, I guess it's more of a mental thing.

Misael said...

Hmm. Yea it might be easier to get out of the groove with lighter weight and harder to move the bar down at a good speed. Go with your heart Vithuran!!!