Friday, July 29, 2011

Ryan Bench Assist 7/29/11

Had no belt and my back is shot still.

Strict Press-
115 x5
125 x5
135 x5x2

Incline Bench-
175 x5
185 x5
195 x5x2

Dumbbell Shoulder Press-
50's x10
60's x10, x9, x8

Isolateral High Row x4
Face Pulls x3
Biceps x3
Abs x3


Luke said...

does a belt really help for press? how many pounds does it add for you?

Ryan said...

It helps stabilize my lower back after the previous deadlift/assistance night. It just made my overhead slightly harder to work with.

Nick said...

It helps if you have a weak core,
but also it think its a good idea like Ryan said, whether your back is sore from previous nights DL or to save it for squats the next day or something

Juggernaut, the said...

I like the belt for compensating for the stress of catching the bar as it comes down. Often, having 200 pounds come crashing down on your clavicles puts an uncomfortable pressure on the lower back as you lean to cushion the blow.