Thursday, July 28, 2011

Deadlift 7/28/2011

405 x 1 @8
445 x 1 @8
495 x 1 @8

3 sets of 10 on the lat pull down machine

Banded Pull Thrus w/ Greens
3 sets of 20

10 minutes Rowing Machine
10 minutes Stairmaster

Morning bodyweight: 184.6
Opener: 496
2nd Attempt: 523.5
3rd Attempt: Anything over 540

Thoughts about the meet:
I'm feeling confident about this one. What I would like to achieve is to take the RAW Jr. Squat record (440), the RAW Jr. Deadlift record (540) and the RAW Jr. Total record (1250). Also, I'm skipping bench assistance tomorrow for the first time before a meet. The rest is gonna be nice.

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