Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Squat 1

Squatting in Edinburgh, UK. I had to talk my way into the University of Edinburgh's gym, which was exciting. They have a very nice room dedicated to olympic weighlifting with lots of squat racks. I had to convert from kg to pounds though, haha. Overall, feeling a bit jetlagged and I haven't been able to eat like I wanted.

507 x 1, 1
518 x 1, 1
529 x 1

I didn't have any spots for these, which was a bit nerve wracking, so I was more conservative in my weight choices.

Box Squat:
311 x 5
355 x 5
375 x 5, 5, 5

My right knee was feeling sore, so I switched to a hamstring exercise to avoid putting more stress on it.

4 sets

superset with hanging leg raises.

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