Saturday, July 2, 2011

Luke 7-2-11 Press

Push Press
105 x 5 @ 7
125 x 5 @ 9
135 x 5 @ 9+
145 x 4 @ 10- lost balance at top and was afraid to do 5th
135 x 5 @ 9+
My shoulder was hurting during these kinda. I started from a hang clean and pushed from an elbows up position like how Ross does kinda. It helps to get the push started and felt better on my left shoulder.

Dumbbell Row
120 x 8 x 3 per arm with straps

Dumbbell Bench
60's x 8
65's x 8 x 2
left shoulder still hurt

Pull Ups / Dips superset
this felt awful. I was so tired I got about 10 of each per set. this superset is always hard for me, and this time I felt sick after


1 comment:

Nick said...

have you thought about taking time off movements that hurt your shoulder?