Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Luke 7-11-11 Squat

335 x 5 @ 9
355 x 5 @ 10-
370 x 5 @ 10 PR of 5 pounds

Pause Squat with self imposed 3 second pause
315 x 3 @ 10-
335 x 3 @ 10 PR of 10 pounds

Leg Press
on a machine went up to 500 x 10

Abs and stretching


Misael said...

Nice PRs Luke!

Luke said...

thanks Mis. I can only seem to PR on sets of 5 for some reason. Hopefully this cycle I can hit PRs for 3 and 1 and for deadlift.

Vit said...

Luke are you doing the August meet?

Luke said...

no, but I'll do the November meet. It will give me more time to pull 500.