Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/5 531 Front Squat

Week 1 Cycle 1

Front Squat:
195x7 PR?

Power Snatch:


Hammer Curls: 45's x 3 sets

I did quite well on front squats today, but my biceps tendons keep annoying the hell out of me. They hurt when I grip anything more than 225, and when I do any sort of rowing/chinning motion. Last time I had elbow problems, I just dropped all of the exercises that irritated it for a while, so I will be doing the same here. Will be doing light shrugs for the next few weeks just to keep my traps in decent shape, but other than that, no back work.


Juggernaut, the said...

three words: front squat harness.

Vit said...

I have the huge one at my apartment if you want to try and use it. At this point you're probably almost round enough to fit it lol.

Kyle said...

I'll try out the front squat harness next week, if Vit would be so kind as to bring it.

Juggernaut, the said...

I wonder where the smaller harness is then. The big one is really huge comparatively.

Kyle said...

Dave, wasnt the smaller harness the one that was "re-appropriated" by Wooden? Or did you get that harness back?

Juggernaut, the said...

oh yeah. it's in my office now. that or behind the equipment desk.