Tuesday, August 31, 2010

08/31/10 Bench

Had a surprisingly great day today for bench. Going into the day my legs were very sore from yesterdays lifting, and my anterior delts and lats were slightly sore. So I figured it might not be the best day - but it went quite well.

225 x 5 @7.5
245 x 5 @8.5
255 x 5 @9.5
245 x 5 @9
245 x 5 @9.5

I really used my legs on all of these and I think that is what made the biggest difference. I have known for a while now I don't always use a leg drive, but I have had trouble developing a mental cue to make sure I do it. Hopefully I can build off of what I did today.

Pin Presses (~2-3 board):
255 x 4 @8
275 x 4 @8.5
295 x 4 @9.5
315 x 2 @10

Seated front shoulder press (machine)
4 sets of 8

I's, Y's, and T's:
2 x 10,10,10 with 10#

Finished with some hanging leg raises

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