Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Bench (brief pause)
195 x 3 @9-
205 x 3 @10
205 x 3 @9 -went up much smoother than the 2nd set I think because I kept the bar path in the right groove this time

Band-lightened bench (purples doubled over pin 6)
195 for 9 sets of 3 -not as quick as last week, but we moved faster and did 10lbs more

Incline bench
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 4+1fail

Machine shrugs
10 plates x 12
12 plates x 15
14 plates x 12
16 plates x 15

Neutral grip pullups
BW x 20, 17, 17
ss'd w/ GHR abs
3 sets of 10

Finished with some hamstring PNFing

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