Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8-10-10 Everything Day

I'm leaving on vacation (Pennsylvania, Vermont, and maybe Montreal) for 2 weeks tomorrow so I tried to cram the entire weeks workout into one day. I won't have access to a gym so I'm thinking of maybe doing some body weight exercises so I don't lose strength as fast.

Bench Press
my friend was at the gym when I got there so I had a spotter and liftoffs which was nice
185 x 3
195 x 3
205 x 3 PR

Box Squat on 12" box + 2" pad
275 x 3
285 x 3 x 2
these felt heavy at the bottom

295 x 2 only noteworthy because I did this with my grip reversed. Left hand was overhand grip and right hand was underhand which is opposite of normal. I noticed my right shoulder was coming forward which is why I wanted to try this
335 x 3
365 x 1 Decided not to triple because this one was a bitch to get up. Maybe I was extra fatigued in the hips from box squats or from not having a full week between deadlifts, but today I was way weaker than last thursday.

135 x 10
165 x 14
185 x 14

Incline Dumbbell Press
45's x 10
60's x 8 x 2
according to my friend incline dumbbell made his bench go up more than bench press alone did and should be done at the beginning of the workout. I like the exercise so why disagree.

Abs and stretching at home

Weigh In: 147 lbs on my scale at home which is a bout 2 pounds light so: 149 lbs

1 comment:

Misael said...

Luke, you're a strong mofo. Keep up the good work !