Monday, July 5, 2010

Working around injury squat

I tried warming up for squatting but my right hip is still bothering me at the bottom of the hole. I can squat on it, but I don't trust it to be as explosive as I want to be.

SS-bar Box Squat:
used a 14" box, which is .5 inches below parallel for me. I normally use a 13" but wanted to keep it higher to avoid aggravating the hip.

285 x 5
325 x 2, 5, 5, 5

The first set of 325, I was jet powered due to my stomach feeling horrible. I stopped after 2 to avoid having the jets burn solid fuel ifyouknowwhati'msayin'. The other 3 sets felt fine, thankfully.

Zercher Squat:
1 second pause on the top of the legs. Used a fat bar today for these which was much better on my forearms. With a bit of padding, it might even be bearable at heavier weights.

173 x 5
213 x 5
263 x 5, 5

These feel pretty good, almost like a weird front squat. I recommend them to everyone.

Lunges hurt badly so I scratched them. Finished with some leg extensions/curls, ghr abs and 5 trips with the sled + 160 lbs. keg on top.


Luke said...

and then you drank the keg

Kyle said...

Oh, so NOW Zerchers are awesome. I remember back when I did them everyone went WTF?.

Just messing with ya Dave. Still haven't heard back from Kelli Whall about the Club Sport Jamboree stuff, but when I do I'll let you know.

Darvin said...

We only hated on Zerchers when you were doing them as a lunge, Zercher squats are old news.

Luke said...

hey I always liked Ken Zurcher