Monday, July 5, 2010

7-5-10 Squat

I met some kid who said he was doing powerlifting today. His deadlift was 315 and his squat was 155. lol.

245 x 8 PR
255 x 6 PR
265 x 5
everything easy. My back has been hurting randomly still, but it hasn't affected my squats.

Box Squat
225 x 5 x 4
knee was kinda clicking during these. If I find that squats are giving me knee problems I think I need to see a doctor, because as of now only jumping aggravates it. Squats don't hurt it at all, but if it gets to the point where bending my leg hurts then I'm fucked and probably need a new meniscus or some bullshit.

135 x 5
155 x 2
175 x 2
185 x 1
195 x fail
175 x 1

Cable abs
used pulldown machine with backpad

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

back pain? check!
knee pain? check!

Congratulations, you've officially earned the title Old Man Luke.