Monday, July 19, 2010

The Return of Volume and Victor and Misael

Had 5 lifters today which was a nice change from the usual 2 dark guys powerlifting in the corner of the gym (Terence and I).

255 x 5, 5, 5, 5
-lower back flexibility needs to be improved..I can't seem to stay upright when I squat, making it impossible for me to hit depth without my knees coming forward

Box Squat
205 x 5
185 x 5 (unbelted) -hard...Terence claims that my lower back is weak because I use the belt too much
185 x 5 (belted) -easier

135 x 8, 7, 8 per leg

Standing abs
These were done slow on the way down and slow on the way up.
90 x 4
100 x 4, 3

Jogged 1.25 miles.
Plyo's and sprints will be done tomorrow.


Kyle said...

Stay upright or sit back?

Depending on body structure, staying upright may not be the most feasible option. Sitting back however, can be helped by box squatting more (in my experience).

Vit said...

Yes, sitting back is an issue as well. I feel like I can only sit back so much without almost bending completely over though. But if you say box squatting helped you then I should probably try it out since my limbs are almost as lanky as yours.

Juggernaut, the said...

You also did a meet a week ago, so your back will probably be exhausted for the next two weeks. I would use a belt until then and then start not using it for secondary exercises to work the core more.

Luke said...

your stance is a little narrower which makes everything balance related harder in my opinion.