Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Banch Prass

Reverse Grip Bench:
225x3, 2 (no Gregging this time)

Bench Press:
195x6, 5, 4

Rotator Cuff work

After shadowing this doctor around and seeing all of the rotator cuff tears and injuries, I have been inspired to do more pre-hab work for the area.

Also, post training body weight (with shoes on) was 228lbs. I attribute this weight gain to the coconut meringue cake my sister made the other day. Looks like I'll be lifting in the 242's come November haha.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Are you going to use reverse grip in competition?

Kyle said...

I would if I could haha. The IPF/USAPL forbids it, which is kinda lame. I'm going to be doing a day of reverse grip benching and a day of regular grip benching just to incorporate both.

Doing all of this reverse grip benching has really helped with my leg drive and set-up for some reason. I feel a lot more stable on the bench, and the weights pop off my chest much more easily now. So I guess some good has come of it.