Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bench Singles

Bench (brief pause)
215 x 1 @9-
235 x 1 @10- (5 lb PR) -very brief pause if any
240 x fail -had a solid pause on this one, got it up to about a 3 board and couldn't grind it out
On the 235 set the weight went up pretty quickly right after I got past about the 3 board region, which is right about where I've set up pin presses these past 2 weeks. Perhaps they've helped?

Speed bench (purples doubled around pin 6)
185 for 9 sets of 3

Incline bench
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5

Machine shrugs
10 plates x 15
12 plates x 31 (added straps)
14 plates x 31
16 plates x 23
All PRs thanks to Ryan setting the number of reps.

Close grip pullups
BW x 20, 12, 10
ss'ed w/ 3 sets of Kneeling abs

Real reason for the bench PR...getting fatter: post-training BW - 193.4 lbs


Ryan said...

had to hit 23. what a bitch

Vit said...

First person hits x reps, second person hits > x reps. That's how machine shrugs work.

Ryan said...

i'll make sure to have you go first in the future

Vit said...

i'll wait til closing to go second.

Ryan said...

looks like we just need two racks and a shrug-off

Vit said...

495 for reps?

Darvin said...