Thursday, September 30, 2010

Deadlift Thursday 09-30-10

It was a sicklift day, so.....:(

245 x 3
255 x fail
255 x 1 + fail

Squat off Pins

205 x 3
225 x 3,3,3

Good Meow-nings
135 x 5
155 x 5
135 x 5

One arm rows

Body Weight:

Deadlift Day 9/30/2010

Deadlift ( Suited w/ straps up )

455 x 3
475 x 3 PR
My raw max for a triple is 455. Looks like I'll get at least 20 lbs out of the suit.

Squat Off Pins ( I hate these )

385 x 3
405 x 3
425 x 2
On the first set, the bar was really high on my back and screwed up my other sets.


315 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5

Shrug Machine w/ 5 plates on each side

x 20

Chest Supported Rows

3 plates x 8
3 plates + Qtr x 6
3 plates + Qtr x 6

Abs w/ Exercise ball

Conditioning - I went to Drake and did long jumps up the steps...extremely tiring.


9-30-10 Deadlift

365 x 3 @ 8.5
385 x 3 @ 9 PR

Squats off Pins set at 10
365 x 3
385 x 3
405 x 3 @ 8.5
The bar is so low on my back that I don't go down very far on these

Good Mornings
155 x 6
185 x 6
205 x 6

315 x 15, 15, 7, 5

supersetted with Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 15 x 3

Abs and Stretching



425x3 @7
495x3 @ 9 I had one more for sure, really happy with the speed

Squat off Pins-

Good mornings


Abs, stretching, FOOD.

9/30 Squat

315x3 PR

Leg Press:

Barbell Row:
205x15 PR?

Squatting felt awesome today. Those pause squats on Monday made these normal squats feel super awesome out of the hole. Definitely going to keep those in there.

Bench 3

295 x 3
315 x 3, 3, 3 (all @ 10)

Pain started getting bad on the right arm and I couldn't focus as much as I wanted. It's getting better though.

325 x 5
335 x 5
345 x 5
355 x 5

80s x 8, 10, 12, 12

There are no longer any dumbbells heavier than 80s at Wooden.

Finished with ghr abs, sub scap pulls and stretching

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9.28.10 Bench

Bench Press:

Foam Roller Press:

Incline Bench:

Cable Row:

Weigh In:
159 lbs

9-28-10 Bench

185 x 3 @ 8.5
195 x 3 @ 9
195 x 3 @ 9.5
195 x 3 @ 10 spotter had help touch last rep :(

Foam Roller Press
205 x 5 @ 9.5
195 x 5 @ 9
205 x 5 @ 10
haven't done these in a while, will regain strength soon hopefully

Incline Dumbbell
45's x 10
55's x 6, 6, 4 personal problem on last set led to failure
I'm going down lower on these to work chest more, hopefully improve bottom of bench strength

Cable Rows
140 x 10
160 x 8
180 x 8
200 x 6

Shoulder Raises

Weigh In: 149 lbs

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reaping the rewards of 5/3/1

145 x 5
165 x 3
185 x 4
I thought I had 3 at most but here we are

Foam roller press
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5 x 2

Dumbbell incline bench
45 x 10
55 x 9
55 x 8 x 2

Weighted pull ups
BW+10 x 8 x 2
BW+10 x 6 x 2

reverse curls, lateral raises superset


Back to OC Strength Club

-these guys know what they're doing
-they're strong
-LEGIT equipment

-no hot girls on adductor, abductor, or doggy style machine to look at :(

Anyways, here are my relevant lifts from the last few weeks.

Raw Singles (2 weeks ago)

1 @ 345

1 @ 255
fail @ 260

1 @ 445

Equipped Triples:

2x3 @ 315 off 2 board
(2 sets of 3)

1x3 @ 445

Lifting schedule at OC Strength Club:
Monday- Heavy Bench
Tuesday- Deadlift
Thursday- Light Bench
Saturday- Squat

Over and out. I'll be posting and checking up on the blog more often now that I'm in OC.

First Time Benching in the Katana

3-board (w/ Katana shirt)
225 x 3 -didn't touch on any of them
225 x 3 -touched on the first two
245 x 2, 3
265 x 3 -touched on all these, probably the best set
The shirt wasn't on properly today, hopefully I can do better next week.

Incline dumbbell press
55s x 12
60s x 12
65s x 8

Chest supported rows
90 x 10
115 x 8, 8

Finished with Medicine ball abs and PNF stretching

Bench. Tuesday, 9/28/10

Bench 4x3

Foam Press 4x5

Incline Dumbell Bench
50s x 8
50s x 7 (TOUGH)
45s x 8 (arms fatigued)

Shoulder Press 3x10

Wide Hammer Grip Pullups
12 BW
10 BW
8 BW (arms fatigued)

Unilateral Cable Row
45 lbs each arm x 12
40 lbs each arm x 15

**** STRETCHING ****

Bench Day 9/28/2010

Shirted Bench

3-Board - 275 x 3
2-Board - 275 x 3
1-Board - 275 x 3

Off the Chest w/ Pause
275 x 2 ( Lost speed and got out of the groove )
255 x 3 easy
265 x 3 not bad
This counted for board work and regular bench

Incline Dumbbell Bench
80's in each hand x 8
80's in each hand x 8
80's in each hand x 8

Superset Shoulder Isolation ( 30lbs dumbbells in each hand ) w/ Cable Rows
6 reps straight up; 6 reps lateral; 6 reps bent over / Cable Row 200 x 10
6 reps straight up; 6 reps lateral; 6 reps bent over / Cable Row 210 x 10
6 reps straight up; 6 reps lateral; 6 reps bent over / Cable Row 210 x 10

Medicine ball abs
3 sets ( still sore from yesterday )

PNF Stretching

Conditioning ( burpees, long jumps, push ups, mountain climbers )
1 minute straight, then 1 minute rest ( 10 min total )

Great shirt work today. I managed to pause on my chest for the first time in a shirt. I felt a lot more comfortable towards the end coming down faster and exploding, rather than slowly sinking the bar down and struggling all the way up. My only complaint is the pain in my left elbow coming back after it completely went away over the summer. It really killed me while doing that triple at 275 with the shirt.


Bench (paused)

285x3@10, my ass came off the bench on the third rep...

3 Board-

Incline DB Bench
80 LB DB

Rotator Cuff
3 sets

Finish with abs

9/28 Bench

Pause Bench: (3 count)

Seated Military:

8@ BW

+ Rotator cuff stuff

Bench Tuesday 09-28-10

Bench Press
135 x 3
145 x 3,3,3 all with press calls. butt came off completely on the last rep of 4th set
i need help with the weights off my chest

Foam Press
155 x 5,5
165 x 5,5

Incline Dumbbell Press
4 sets of 8 with 35lbs

shoulder isolation/cable rows

Abs/hammer curls


Squats. Monday, 9/27/10

Back Squats 3x3 (no belt)
-> not feeling it today.

Banded Back Squats 3x3
-> with purples
175 --> P.R.!!!

Zercher Squats
185x4 + fail (TOUGH) --> P.R.??
135x15 --> P.R.!!!
-> setting bar on quads each rep

Hip Abduction Machine 3x10

Knee Driving Lunge Jumps 3x12 (6 reps each leg)

Weighted Reverse Crunches
25x6 --> P.R.!!!!
25x5 + fail
25x5 + fail

PNF Stretching

Squat 3

Felt pretty good after deadlifting and GPP. No soreness at all.

425 x 3
445 x 3
465 x 3 @ 10

Walking out felt light, but my CNS wasn't responding like normal. On 445, my lower back started cramping and relaxing, which caused the bar to descend unevenly and start whipping. 465 felt harder than it should have been due to this. I'm pretty sure there's some for of nerve problem (won't say damage) in my lower back based on this experience and the deadlifts.

Band-resisted Squat
225 + greens x 3, 5, 8, 10

Kept it light due to the crazy lower back sensation. For the first two sets, I kept feeling like I was putting too much pressure on my toes.

Zercher Squats
185 x 5, 8 ,5

By now, the discomfort was too much so I claimed a personal problem and went really light. Hip was also acting up on these.

Finished with plyos, transversus and pnf stretching.

Squat Day 9/27/2010

Suited Squats

405 x 3
455 x 3 ( lost balance )
455 x 3

Band Resisted Squats

225 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 3 ( last rep looked like shit )

Unbelted Front Squats

225 x 4
245 x 4
245 x 4

Box Jumps
Punching Bag Flipping
Decline Abs w/ 10lbs behind my head.

From what people said, I hit depth about 20-25% of the time while wearing the suit, which is feeling better every week. My last set was actually my best. The second set was a bit scary because it was my first tim wearing the wraps with the suit. Btw, unbelted front squats are the shit : )

9-27-10 Squat

305 x 3 @ 8.5
315 x 3 @ 9 2nd rep was slow
345 x 3 @ 10 PR (knees lightly wrapped)

Band Resisted Squat with grays
195 x 3
205 x 3
stopped early beacuse my knee was hurting

Front Squat
135 x 6

Zurcher Squat
195 x 6
205 x 5
225 x 5



PNF stretching

Birthday squat

235 x 5
265 x 3
300 x 2 (PR)

Band resisted squat
175 x 3 x 2
185 x 3
195 x 3

Zercher squat
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 6

9/27 Squat

Pause Squat: (3 count)

Leg Press:

Barbell Rows:
225x10 PR

Abs & PNF

Pause squats felt good today. The weight was lighter, but it was hard to stay tight in the hole for that long. All of them were done beltless as well.

Monday, September 27, 2010


245 x 3
255, 265 x 3 (knees wrapped)

Band-Resisted Squats greens
155, 165 x 3

Zurcher Squats
185 x 5, 5
195 x all the reps

Plyos, Abs, PNF

Squat Monday 09-27-10

205 x 3
215 x 3
225 x 3 <--PR (in the two plate club!)
225 x 3 <--felt easier this time

Band Resisted Squat
95 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 3
had to stop here cuz my right knee was acting up

Zercher Squat
135 x 8
135 x 8
145 x 8
135 x 10

One legged jump/abs

Body Weight:
163.5 lbs <--back down to the safe zone...but gonna keep off dairies and other sources of significant amount of fat...any words of advice would help; i never had to watch weight before

First Time Squatting in the Centurion

Good squat workout today. I was glad that I got the suit to ride up more than last Thursday. Depth still hasn't happened yet though.

Squat (w/ Centurion suit)
315 x 3 (straps down) -all a few inches high
335 x 3 (straps up+knee wraps) -all 2 inches high
365 x 3 -2nd one may have been right at parallel
365 x 3 -knee wraps were tighter, about an inch high on these
Hopefully next week I can hit depth.

Band resisted squats (greens) (w/ suit on straps down)
225 x 3, 3, 3, 3

Zercher squats
185 x 5, 5, 5
Feel these in my abs the most. Definitely a weak point for me.

Finished with step ups supersetted with transversus abs on the stability ball
3 sets each
PNF stretching


Pause Squat on a 12'' Box-
365x3(beltless)  @ 8
385x3(with Belt)@8.5
395x3(with Belt) @9

Pause Squat on a 12''Box W/ Light Bands-

Zercher Sqauts

Abs, PNF and Plyos

Bench Day 9/24/2010

Foam Bench

225 x 3
235 x 3
245 x 3
255 x 3
265 x 2

Low Pin Press

195 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5

Dumbbell Pullovers

90lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
90lbs x 8

Close Grip Pull Ups


Bicep Curls w/ 45lbs
x10 ( 3 sets )

Cable Abs


Punched a punching bag in the blue room and did some jump-roping. Then, I saw a huge punching bag laying on the mat. I decided to treat this as a tire and flipped it from one side to the other. I don't know how hard flipping tires is, but I tried to flip as fast as I could and it got my heart rate up pretty fast. This conditioning workout lasted about 16 minutes. I tried to keep the rest under a minute.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bench off Low Pins
135 x 5,5,5
145 x 3 + failed 4th
135 x 5
135 x 4 + failed 5th

Incline Press
105 x 6
95 x 8,8
95 x 7 + failed 8th

Tricep Isolation/Lat Pull-downs
Hammer Curls
found out that my biceps are abnormally weak. gonna do some bicep concentration from now on.

Abs + some weird stuff


Body Weight: 165!!!!!!! nooooooo gotta shave those 2 pounds to be in the safe zone

Updating the blog is slipping further and further from my mind

325 x 3
365 x 4

Squat off pins
225 x 3 x 2
235 x 3 x 2

Good mornings
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5


Standing press
95 x 3
110 x 3
125 x 3

Incline bench
135 x 8 x 3

Tricep pushdowns, pull ups superset

Hammer curls

GPP: ladders and weighted hill sprints

9-25-10 Accessories

Pull Ups
BW x 25 x 3 last set was wide grip

Supersetted with a bunch of shoulder work, overhead dumbbell triceps extension, and abs


325, 335 x 5

Low Squat Off Pins
185, 205, 205, 225, 225 x 3

Good Mornings
185, 185, 225 x 5

Shrugs, PNF

Deadlift Thursday 09-23-10

225 x 5
245 x 5

Squat off Pins
195 x 3
215 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 3
235 x 3

Good Mornings
135 x 5,5,5

275 x 5
315 x 5,5,5

Dumbbell Rows
65lbs x 6,6,6,6

Reverse Grip Curls
40 x 6,6,6,6


Friday, September 24, 2010

Bench Assistance

Foam presses
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5, 5

Pin Press (set on 13)
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 3+2fails

BW x 20, 15, 14

Hammer curls
45s x 8, 8

Standing abs
3 sets

Magnusson > Bolton

BRB Deadlifting 750x8 from a deficit. 

9.24.10--Bench Assistance

To say that I am sore from yesterday's workout is an understatement. Loading weight was brutal for me, especially when I had to pick it up off the ground.

Paused Bench Press (off chest weak point):

135x3x3@3 seconds
135x3+f @3 seconds

Seated Military Press off Pins:

Overhead Triceps Extension:
15x8x3 (each arm)

Ninja Curls:
3 sets + no talking, or any noise for that matter.

Pull Ups:

Weigh In:
159 lbs

Bench Assistance. Friday, 9/24/10

Extra Long Pause Bench
-> 3 second pauses
135x3 --> P.R.??!! (if not, then tied PR)

Shoulder Pin Presses

Tricep Pushdowns (with rope) 3x10

Weighted Ultra-Wide Grip Pullups
BW + 25 lbs x 7 reps
BW + 25 lbs x 6 reps
BW + 25 lbs x 6 reps

Reverse Curls 3x8

3 sets of 8-12 reps
-> + a good 15 second hold on the last rep of 3rd set

Deadlifts. Thursday, 9/23/10

**** Yesterday on Wednesday, I went for a 2 mile jog around the track. Didn't run too fast but breathing was somewhat heavy. I'm trying to increase my cardiovascular health a little bit. ****

Deadlifts 3x5

Squats off Pins 3x3

Good Mornings 3x5

Barbell Shrugs 3x15

Bent-Over Rows 3x6

Superman Core Extensions
115 + resistance x 10
115 + resistance x 10

PNF Stretching
Bench ( 3 sec Pause )
worked up to

Incline Bench ( 3 sec pause )




Standing abs

9/24 Bench


Pause Bench (self imposed pause):

Incline Bench:
155x6, 5

50 reps @ BW (228)

So my weakness as pinpointed by T-bone is off of my chest. This was readily apparent during the 245 and the paused benches. So for here until sometime in the future, I will be incorporating paused benches and squats on my second bench/squat days of the week. Incline should help with the chest weakness as well, so thats getting thrown in there.


First time wearing my Centurion suit...didn't get it to fit at all.

355 x 5
375 x 2

Squat off pins (pin 10)
295 x 3
315 x 3
335 x 3
365 x miserable fail at the bottom
365 x 1 since everyone was watching

Good mornings
185 x 8

Barbell shrugs
365 x 12, 12

Barbell rows (off the ground)
185 x 5
205 x 5, 5

9.23.10--The Deadlift Day Scott Returned to the Gym and to the Blog

As the title suggests, I have officially made it back to the gym and the blog for the first time in what feels like forever. I'm really glad to see you guys again, and to start reversing all that muscular atrophy that has occurred and start setting some PRs at my new, slimmer frame.

Deadlift (conventional):
I decided to take it light as to ease my way back into the gym.

Squat off pins as to simulate Deadlift:
I had the pin at 12, which I think was too low, and I think I'll pay for it tomorrow.

Good Mornings (not off pins... weird):

3 sets

Deadlift Day 9/23/2010

Suited Deadlift

405 x 5
425 x 5
425 x 2
These felt awful. The bar kept pinching the top of my leg and it kept affecting my lockouts. Now I have ridiculous looking marks on my thighs.

Squat off Pins

315 x 3
345 x 3
365 x 3
385 x 3
405 x 3 ( Grinder )


315 x 5 ( this was a mistake )
275 x 5 ( better )

Shrug Machine with no straps
5 plates on each side x 9, x10, x8

Bent Over Rows

185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

Looooooong workout. Hopefully the next suited workout doesn't last so long.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Deadlift 5

495 x 1
545 x 1
585 x 5 @ 9+

This is the heaviest I've gone since nationals. Things felt rough at 315 but I figured I would just keep going. My off-floor power feels very shaky right now (still), but at least I can grind some reps out as needed.

Squat off Pins:
405 x 3
455 x 3
475 x 3
495 x 3

Just getting used to these, but I like them. The pins were set so the bar was right at where I would start my pull. The heavy walk outs felt almost harder than the squatting alone. I used a wide stance about where my sumo stance would be.

Good Mornings:
315 x 5
275 x 10

These felt weird. My low lower back isn't conditioned to stretch or something so it took a few reps to figure out how to start. I hope that adding these back in the mix will strengthen my off floor work too.

I tried shrugs, but my biceps was starting to really ache after the squats, so I stopped after 1 rep based on pain.

Finished with ab wheel.

9/23 Squat

305x3 PR

Front Squat:


Barbell Rows: 135x8
225x8, 5

Abs & Some Biceps

9-23-10 Deadlift

no belt
275 x 5
315 x 5 @ 8

Good Mornings
135 x 10
185 x 6 x 2 @ 8

in and out of the gym in 25 minutes, going home now until saturday.

9-22-10 Bench

175 x 5 @ 8.5
185 x 5 @ 9.5
175 x 5 @ 9

Push Press
95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 3 @ 9 PR

Bench Day 9/22/2010

Bench w/ Strict Pauses

185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5 (touch and go)

3 Board

245 x 4
235 x 5
235 x 6

Superset - Push Press & Wide Grip Pull Ups

165 x 8 ; x 15
165 x 8 ; x 13
165 x 7.8 ; x 10

Superset - Cable Rows and Multiple Angle Shoulder Raises
3 sets each. 220 Cable rows and 25 lb dumbbells in each hand for shoulder raises.

PNF & Abs

Conditioning - 45sec-1min punching bag then 45sec-1min jump rope, 45sec-1min rest. Repeat 5 times.
I decided that since I have school from 9am-5pm every saturday, I am going to spread my conditioning throughout the week. I am trying to avoid conditioning on Wed because I don't want to feel beat up by deadlift day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

bench 5

275 x 5
295 x 5
300 x 5
305 x 2 + f

My elbows starting hurting bad. Icy hot + vitamin-I did nothing. I could barely feel my hands and my grip was going to pot when i unracked that last set.

Also, I can't really set up on Wooden's benches. It's like trying to get leg drive with a teflon bench. Neither chalk nor water added any stickiness. I have to figure out something as it's killing my arch and i can't get any leg drive.

335 x 3

Couldn't focus at all due to the pain, so I bagged it.

Did some ball twists and pnf then went home. Going to see the doctor tomorrow.

Squat 5

Completely exhausted when i got to the gym.

405 x 5
425 x 5
445 x 5 @ 9

got tired. Then my elbow started hurt. bad.

Band-resisted Squats:
banded greens
315 x 3
335 x 3
355 x 3
365 x 3

Planned to do front squats, but apparently the harness is now lost. argh.

Hip adductors for rehab + cybex eagle glutes for somethign else to do.

Couldn't do plyos because of the hip. Did ball bridges and pnf stretching

Back to Wooden

Going to finish up this cycle then probably go back to the split
225 x 3
255 x 3
280 x 2+f
High, I think I have to regain form after losing it over summer.

Band-resisted squat (green?)
155 x 3
185 x 3 x 3

Front squat
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5

Abs and plyos


135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 5

Foam roller bench
205 x 5
215 x 4+f
Little bit too much for 5 but I haven't gone heavy for assistance for a while so went with that.
215 x 3 x 3

Incline bench
135 x 6
145 x 5 x 3
Wide grip pull ups
BW x 10 x 4

Front raises
17.5 x 10
20 x 10 x 3
Cable row
200 x 8 x 4


Bench and Back. Tuesday, 9/21/10

Bench (with pauses)
135x5 @ 10 --> P.R.!!!
135x5 @ 10
135x4 + fail

Foam Roller Bench
145x5 @ 8
155x5 @ 9 --> P.R.!!!
165x3 + barely fail

Push Press
85x1 -> too heavy, stopped this set short and dropped the weight to focus on form
65x5 @ 7
65x10 @ 8
65x12 @ 9

Ultra-Wide Grip Pullups
-> superset with push press
12 reps BW
10 reps BW
8 reps + fail BW

Close-Grip Cable Rows

Front Shoulder Raises 2x10
-> superset with cable rows

Lateral Shoulder Raises 2x10
-> superset with cable rows (after front raises)

Aerobics Ball Core Leg Raises
-> 3 sets of 3 rotations each way (using the sand-filled ball)

**** PNF Stretching ****

Bench Tuesday 9-21-10

Bench Press
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
135 x 5 with press calls

Foam Press
155 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5

Push Press superset with wide grip pullups
85 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 3 + failed rep

Shoulder Raises with cable rows

abs with ball leg raises

PNF stretching

9/21 Bench

245x1 (tired)
205x7 (tired)

Liftoffs x infinity

Standing Press:

50 reps @ BW


Bench is getting back to where it was. Gotta get my work capacity up though - those sets after the 225 were hard as hell. I'll hit 245 on Friday again, and see how it goes.

Squats. Monday, 9/20/10

Back Squats 4x5
185 @ 9
185 @ 9.5
185 @ 9.5
185 @ 10

Pause Squats 3x3 (@ 3 sec. pauses)
155 @ 9
165 @ 10
165 @ 10

Front Squats 4x8
95 @ 7
105 @ 8
115 @ 10
115 @ 10

Hip Abductor Machine 3x10

Aerobics Ball Planks
3 sets x 30 sec. with kicks

Box Jumps 2x10
-> onto tall box

**** Static, Dynamic, and PNF stretching ****


No spot today :( Glad to be going back to lifting with the team on Thursday.

Bench (brief pause)
165 x 5
175 x 5, 5

Push press
135 x 5, 5, 5

Incline dumbbell press
65s x 9, 6

Lat pulldowns
216 x 7, 8, 8

Feeling a little worn out, probably from all the heavy singles last week.
Morning BW: 184.4 lbs

Squat Monday 9-20-10

Back Squat
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5

Pause Squat
155 x 3
165 x 3
175 x 3

Front Squat
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5

and other stuff at the courtyard

9-20-10 First Day Back in Wooden Squats

I had some knee pain today I think, from walking around all day plus standing at activities fair for 4 hours wearing converse so Dave wrapped my knees.

275 x 5 @ 8 loose wraps
295 x 5 @ 8 no wraps
315 x 5 @ 9 loose wraps
325 x 5 @ 9 left extra loose right loose wraps PR

Band Resisted Squat with Grays
185 x 3 rack too high
225 x 3 hard
205 x 3

Front Squats
135 x 5 x 2
155 x 5

Abs and plyos

PNF stretching
hamstrings and groin

Monday, September 20, 2010

9/20 Squat


Front Squat:

Barbell Row:
225x5, 5

Abs, Plyos, and PNF

Just trying to get back all of my strength that I lost. Been doing pause squats as my warm-up for regular squats, and it feels pretty nice.


225, 235, 245 x 5

Band-Resisted Squats (greys)
135, 155, 155, 175 x 3

Front Squats
135 x 5, 5, 5

Plyos, Abs, PNF

Squat Day 9/20/2010

Squats w/ Knee Wraps

315 x 5
325 x 5
335 x 5
345 x 5
OWWWWW!!! The weight didn't feel all that heavy. I just need to learn to trust the wraps and dive down hard to break parallel. I think I hit depth 40% of the time.

Band Resistant Squats

225 x 3
245 x 5
265 x 5

Front Squat

245 x 5 (belted)
205 x 5 (unbelted)
225 x 5 (unbelted)
These didn't feel too bad without the belt. After the squats, my legs felt dead.

Abs & Plyos

Prone Bridges on Exercise Ball; Squat Vertical Jumps; Burpees; Box Jumps.
3 sets on exercise ball

PNF Stretching

Bench Day 9/17/2010

2-boardish Bench w/ pauses

235 x 3
245 x 2
235 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 3

Low Chest Level Pin Press

185 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5 ( slight spot needed on the fifth rep )

Superset - Skull Crushers w/ Close Grip Pull Ups
4 sets

3 x 10 Preacher Curls w/ Fat Bar Grip

PNF Stretching and Abz

Great workout. Really killed my arms on this one.


Felt sluggish today.
255 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 4+1fail

185 x 5, 5, 5

Gear should be arriving on Wednesday so hopefully I can use it for deadlifts on Thursday.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bench Singles and Back. Saturday, 9/18/10

Bench 3x1
155 @ 9.5 -> P.R.!!!
155 @ 9.5
155 @ 9.5

Incline Bench 3x2
135 @ 9
135 @ 9
135 @ 9

Shoulder Press
85x5 @ 9
95x3 + fail --> P.R.!!

Super Close Grip Incline Bench
65x15 + fail

Lat Pulldowns 3x5
170 @ 10
170 @ 10
170 @ 10

Semi-Bent-Over Row Machine 3x6
2 & 1/2 places
2 & 1/2 places
2 & 1/2 places

One-Arm Rows 3x6 each arm
70 @ 10
70 @ 10
70 @ 10

Hammer Curls
20s x 20
20s x 16
20s x 15

Forearms "Twisters"
2 sets x 30 seconds with ~ 25 lbs

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bench Assistance

Foam press
185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5

Pin press
185 x 5, 5, 5

BW x 17, 12, 12

Supa Dupa Abz

My Deadlift Video (heavy triple)!/video/video.php?v=1599682161304&subj=1513548923

Friday, September 17, 2010


first time working with commands -- ego shot!

Low Pin Press-

SS with
CG Pullups

Biceps, Miserable abs, and PNF. OUCH.

Bench 1

Since I missed Tuesday's workout, i combined it with bench assistance.

315 x 1
335 x 1
345 x f
325 x 1, 1

Wasn't really feeling it today. Driving from Seattle to LA always kills my bench. Also, I think I must have irritated my bicep tendon squatting last night, as that pain was back. It's good to be home :(

325 x 3
335 x 3
345 x 3

Pin Press:
235 x 5
255 x 5
265 x 5

Super set of
130 x 8, 12, 12

Close-grip pull ups:
4 sets til failure, 12~20 reps

Finished with some incline curls, ghr abs and pnf stretching.

9/17 Bench

205x6, 4 (paused)

45x5, 3

45x4, 2

Upright Rows:
95x10, 10

Well, my pressing numbers have certainly taken a hit but they should come up shortly. Two steps forward, one step back I guess.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Note: My recent fat gain required me to put my belt on hole 4 instead of hole 3 today :(
405 x 1 @9
430 x 1 -PR (video)

Lockout is still slow at the very top. This isn't news but I'm thinking I might need to work on my lockout more during this next training cycle especially since my suit should be arriving within the next couple weeks. It'll help me get some more weight off the ground but won't help as much if my lockout is weak.

GMOPs (no belt)
205 x 5
225 x 5, 5, 5

Barbell shrugs
365 x 20, 20 (w/ chalk)

Dumbbell rows (chalk instead of straps)
125 x 12, 12

Deadlifts. Thursday, 9/15/10

Deadlifts (belted) 1x3
-> did a 5 minute bike warm-up + dynamic warm-ups and stretches, this really helped loosen up my muscles and get my legs ready to pull the weight
-> HEAVY TRIPLE at 315 lbs @ 10 --> big P.R.!!!! (I've previously only hit this weight once for my 1 rep PR).

Stiff-Leg Deadlifts 3x2
-> no belt
275 @ 9.5
275 @ 9.5
275 @ 10

Shrugs 2x3
-> went really heavy, not attempting full shrugs, just want to get used to the weight
-> need to strengthen forearm grip/hold though

Hang Cleans 3x8

Calf Raises (holding barbell) 2x15

**** Body-weight was 132lbs when I woke up at 6:30 am, body-weight was 136 lbs when I went to sleep *****

Deadlift Day 9/16/2010


465 x 1
475 x 1
465 x 1
465 x 1
I should have tried one more at 475. I really slow at first at the bottom on the first one. The last single at 465 was actually my best one.


375 x 5
375 x 5
375 x 5

Front Squats

255 x 5
265 x 5 PR
255 x 5

Bent Over Rows

185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5PR?
215 x 5PR?

Shrugs on Smith Machine
405 x 10
405 x 10
495 x 6ish
I hate these. I wish we had heavy ass dumbbells

I went outside and did dumbbell pull throughs(1o reps w/ each hand w/ 45lbs) long jump to burpee( x 6 ) then some form of ab work at the end of the super set. I did four supersets of these and they got me sweating pretty quick.

Finished with some PNF stretching.

9-16-10 Deadlift

Last day working out at 24 Hour Fitness. Some dude was deadlifting 405 for reps and he took a video of me on my last single.

365 x 1 @ 8.5
385 x 1 @ 9
405 x 1 @ 9.5 PR I felt like I had another 10 pounds in me at least.

Stiff Legged Deadlift (unbelted)
245 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 5 @ 8

Zercher Squat
135 x 8 x 3

superset with Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 11, 15, 12, 15

Abs Machine
3 sets

30 reps x 3


Weigh In: 152 with clothes and shoes

Squat 1

435 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1 @ 9
485 x 1 @ 9+

I tweaked my hip playing ultimate last sunday, and it wasn't fully recovered by today, sadly. Not a bad session though. I slowed a little in the middle on 485, so that's somewhere I need to work on.

I was planning on deadlifting after, but I forgot my socks :(

Pause Squat:
405 x 3, 3 sec
415 x 3, 3 sec
425 x 3, 3 sec (PR)
435 x 3, 3 sec (PR)

Felt pretty solid on these. Box squats made me crazy strong in the hole.

Zercher squats:
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5, 5

Finished with 4 sets of hypers til failure and hamstring stretching

Should've waited

Today's deadlifts blew since despite the way I felt I apparently haven't recovered from squats Monday and grip related stuff Tuesday, so I won't talk about screwing up 340 for 5.
Yesterday, however, was fantastic
125 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 7
135 x 10 x 4
140 x 11 (not allowed to fail since spot at the end)

Close grip pull ups
BW x 12
BW x 10 x 3
BW x 8

Incline curls
20 x 10 x 5

Reverse curls
70 x 10 x 5

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9-15-10 Another Depressing Bench and Heavy Singles Workout

195 x 1 @ 8
205 x 1 @ 9
220 x fail Failed a few inches off chest
210 x 1 @ 10 This one was pretty slow with my left arm extending before the right so it was slanted going up
195 x 3 @ 10 the last rep was also slanted wtf

I went with John to Altadena 24 today and he gave me liftoffs. The benches there are really low so I always hit the standards when I unrack it and my legs feel cramped which limits leg drive. I think being sick really does make me weaker. Also I have not really done bench assistance work this cycle. I simply can't do foam roller/board press without 2 partners. I was making better gains doing flat bench twice a week with a ME and and RE day. I thought I had gotten stronger when I hit 185 x 8 and 205 x 3, but I have lost this strength since vacation or it had no carry over to my max.

Push Press
95 x 3
115 x 3 @ 8
135 x fail I actually got 2 reps with help of a spotter aka team lifting
125 x 3 @ 9
125 x 3 @ 8
135 x 1 + fail PR I probably could have done another rep, but I gave up before really trying.

Incline Dumbbell Press
60's x 10 with elbows a little past 90 degrees
30's x 10 going down way farther to hit chest harder
45's x 10 x 2 going down all the way

Front Shoulder Raises
15's x 10 x 3

Lat Pull Down
150 x 6
180 x 6
210 x 5
225 x 5
240 x 1

Triceps Push Down
100 x 10
150 x 7 x 2

Meeting 148lb World Champion Narbe Mansourian who has benched 392lbs raw

I've heard about Narbe at my local home gym here in the valley by Tujunga, Ca (north of Glendale/Burbank). There are pictures of him on the wall. Last night, I finally got to meet him and see him bench!!

Narbe has been WORLD CHAMPION for his RAW BENCH 5 times if not more. Very friendly person. Gave me a lot of great tips. He is now 34 and teaches math to eager middle school students. He lifted his 392lb world record raw bench back in 2004. Today, I got to see him hit some real easy singles at 335 in a loose sweatshirt, jeans, and sandals. He took a lot of the summer off due to an injury.

I asked him about his TRAINING PROGRAM and he informed me that he trains 2-3 days a week. 2 days a week he flat benches. 1 heavy day (filled with 5-8 sets of singles/doubles/triples depending how he feels). 1 light day (filled with 8-12 sets of 10-15 reps). On both heavy or light day, he will do some tricep work afterwards. Narbe said he does not incline bench or shoulder press and hasn't for the past 3-4 years. Flat Bench and Tricep Work are his bread and butter and it obviously works very well for him given his lift. If he goes a third day in the week, he will do some calf raises and other accessory work that will further help his bench.

3 a Days - Bench, Short Run, and Back. Tuesday, 9/14/10

Bench 3x3 (with pauses)
135 @ 9
145 @ 10(can't tell if spotter helped. if so, I should have it next time. if not, PR)
135 @ 9

Incline Bench 3x4 (with pauses)
115 @ 9
115 @ 9
125 @ 10 --> P.R.!!!!

-> USED A SLIGHTLY NARROWER GRIP THAN MY NORMAL FLAT BENCH GRIP by placing my middle fingers on the rings instead of my pointer fingers ... my shoulder press is pretty weak relative to my incline bench ... and my 4 rep PR on flat bench (with pauses) is 135 while my 4 rep PR on incline is now 125 ... SO HAS MY INCLINE JUST GOTTEN REALLY STRONG OR SHOULD I USE A SLIGHTLY NARROWER GRIP ON MY FLAT BENCH TOO??? -maybe I've been a little wide all this time not fully utilizing my chest capacity and tricep lockout since my arms are so far apart??

Dumbell Shoulder Press 2x8
35s @ 10
35s @ 10
-> bringing dumbells all the way down and all the way up

Tricep Pull-aparts
-> with rope attachment, elbows slightly aggravated
80 x 10
70 x 12

********* DROVE HOME **********

2 Mile Run
-> Effort @ 9 ... pretty tough, breathing fairly hard throughout last mile. couldn't really run that fast though.
-> I want to increase my cardiovascular health but without losing too much body weight (I'm happy staying right around 132 for now) so I went for a run. Don't worry I ate a bowl of ice cream later to replenish the calories burned!!

********* LATER, AFTER DINNER **********

Bent-Over Rows 4x3
135 @ 10
135 @ 10
135 @ 10
135 @ 10

Weighted Pullups (Hammer Grip) 3x4
BW + 45 @ 10
BW + 45 @ 10
BW + 45 @ 10

Open Grip Semi-Bent-Over Rows 3x5
-> did these to get some more back work and make the biceps feel loved
easy curl bar + 50lbs each side @ 9
easy curl bar + 50lbs each side @ 9
easy curl bar + 50lbs each side @ 9

Hammer Grip Curls 3x8

Reverse Grip Banded Curls (no weight, just the purple band)
2x10 all the way up
2x10 going halfway up and pausing, then back down

Front Shoulder Raises 2x15
-> one set with about 15lbs weight each arm, second set with bands and pausing at top

Lateral Shoulder Raises 2x15
-> with about 15lbs weight each arm

Rear Delt Flys 2x15
-> with about 10lbs weight each arm


Benched on a forza competition bench. It was so damn wide that it felt like a twin sized bed compared to the Wooden benches.

Bench (brief pause)
195 x 1
215 x 1+1fail -215 is a PR, and the first one was easy so I got greedy and went for another. Stupid move.
215 x 1 @9.5

Push press
135 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 3
175 x 2 -PR

Incline dumbbell press
65s x 9, 7, 6

Lat pulldowns
220 x 10
240 x 8, 8, 7

Triple S raises
15s x 2 sets

BW after dinner: 191.6 lbs. This is the heaviest I've been in a while, but it's from pigging out while on vacation. Hopefully the bench PR isn't only because of this, and hopefully I'll poop all this weight out before the November competition.

To Matt: Could you repeat what exactly the 8, 9, and 10 ratings mean based on what's said in the RTS manual? I remember you said each one meant you had a certain number of reps left in the tank but I forgot the specifics.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bench Day 9/14/2010


245 x 0 fail (DAMN IT; I'll get it next time)
235 x 1 PR( easy )
I really thought I had 245. I came off my chest just fine, but my sticking point is the 2-3 board. I haven't done board work in the last couple of weeks (maybe that hurt me a little bit). Instead, I've been doing shirt work. I should have, at least, 245 at the end of the next 531 cycle.

Push Press

155 x 3
185 x 3
185 x 3
195 x 3 PR
185 x 3

Incline Dumbbell Bench

75's x 9
80's x 8
80's x 9
70's x 7

Superset - Wide Grip Pull Ups w/ Shoulder Raises ( up straight, lateral and bent over; 6 reps each )

x15 / x18
x12 / x18
x10 / x18
x10 / x18

Cardio - A combination of the following ( 15 minutes )
20 sec mountain climbers; 30 sec long jumps/burpees; 20 push ups; and suicides.
I'm done going for runs. It's time to get my heart rate going in a shorter amount of time. Must stay under 190. I've also been eating better foods.

09/14/10 Bench

225 x 1 @7
255 x 1 @8
275 x 1 @8.5
290 x 1 @9
300 x 1 @9.5

This is a PR. There was a brief pause but when it comes to USAPL/IPF judging it was borderline at best. Probably had 5-10 pounds left in the tank. My off the chest and lockout strength are fine, my weakness is still at about a 2-3 board, however it is much improved from where it used to be. I think focusing on a lot more incline benching in tandem with pin presses has made the difference.

Pause Bench (5 secs):
205 x 5 @8
215 x 5 @8.5
215 x 5 @9

Close-grip Bench:
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8

Seated Rows

Hammer Curls

Cable Tricep Pushdowns

09/13/10 Squat

Reverse Band Squat:
455 x 3 @9
475 x 3 @9.5
500 x 2 @9.5
500 x 1 @10

These were much harder than they should have been. My left hip was tight and I couldn't get it loosened up, so I was tentative in attacking the hole, so my speed out of it was poor.

Good Mornings:
3 x 8 x 275

Banded Hamstring Curls

Banded Hypers

Cable Curls

Rope Cable Abs

Dave at Open Worlds

Dave are you going to Open Worlds?

Kitchen Sink

Got really bored at home today so I hung out at the gym until I had to pick my sister up from school. Did a bunch of lifts just to get back in the swing of things. The 10 or so days off from lifting really killed my strength levels.

Back Squats
Front Squats
Barbell Rows
Bench Presses
Overhead Presses
Face Pulls
Close Grip Benches
Pause Squats
...and probably a few other things that I'm forgetting

Doctors appt

Went to doctors today.. So happy I don't have a hernia!
He said it's a strain. And take a few days off. Never been so happy

Last week alone

205 x 5
235 x 5
265 x 5
Last one might've been high but holy shit I was gasping for air for about 5 straight minutes after this
175 x 10
185 x 10 x 4

Leg extensions
160 x 10
175 x 10
190 x 10 x 3

calves and decline abs superset

Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm in Honolulu for a week with my family and found a Powerhouse gym to lift at for a couple of days. It has a bunch of commercial equipment divided up into like 5 rooms and in the back there's a non airconditioned room with all the powerlifting equipment. The guys lifting there seem pretty nice and for those that know who he is, Darren Matsumoto was there for a little bit doing some flexibility work or something like that.

285 x 1
305 x 1, 1 @9.5

Pause squats
205 x 3, 3, 3

Power cleans
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3

135 x 4
185 x 5, 5

Standing abs
4 sets

Squat Day 9/13/2010

Suited Squats

405 x 2
455 x 2
495 x 1
495 x 1
The two singles were with the straps up and I locked it out pretty well. Dean said the two singles were pretty low; almost parallel. I felt like I made good progress in the suit today. I'm getting used to having the weight on my back and sitting back.

Pause Squats
275 x 3
285 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 3


185 x 6 per leg
205 x 4 per leg
225 x 4 per leg
235 x 4 per leg

Medicine Ball Abs
4 sets

Box Jumps
Tall and Medium box


This was one of the best leg workouts I've had in a while; way better than last week. I think I'm going to do suited work every other week to balance out my raw strength.

Yesterday & Today

Had a week-long hiatus from lifting during finals week, so I am just getting back into the groove this week.

Did some incline bench and dips yesterday.

Played 18 holes of golf today.

Great Squat Workout with Luke!!

After missing the deadlift and bench/back workouts of the second half of last week due to being sick, it was nice to get back into things and watch Luke squat some heavy weight and show the pretty boys what weight-lifting is truly about.

Back Squats 4x3 (belted)

Pause Squats 4x3
-> no belt, all 3-second pauses each rep

Lunges (Barbell) 4 x 6 each leg

Shrugs (Barbell) 3x5
-> heavy, not quite full shrugs but I just want to get my traps accustomed to this weight so when I deadlift it they can hang.

Transversus Crunches on Aerobics Ball 4x6
-> with 3-second pauses each rep
-> tough to grip and hang onto the rope as the weight increased on later reps


worked up to 465x1

well lets just say I'm pretty sure I have a hernia.
Going to invasive surgeon tomorrow

9-13-10 Sick Squats

I was sick today, which I do not think helps lifting whatever others may say. I felt drained of energy and unable to fully concentrate. Also I lifted with Ben today in Altadena.

315 x 1 @ 8.5
335 x 1 @ 9
355 x fail @ 10 shit shit shit I should have had this. I got this up a little and then stopped. Ben said I kinda caved in. I know I can lift this weight.
315 x 3 @ 9.5

Pause Squat (unbelted)
225 x 3 @ 8
245 x 3 @ 9
245 x 3 @ 9
245 x 3 @ 8

135 x 12
165 x 12
185 x 12 x 2

315 x 10 x 2 because Ben wanted to


Deadlift sort of

Friday was insane both mentally and physically. I was not in the best state on Saturday for lifting, unfortunately.

Band-resisted Deadlift:
225 x 3, 5 w/ black deadlift bands
275 x 3, 3, 5, 8 w/ black deadlift bands
275 x 3, 5, 5 w/ black deadlift bands + quadded minis

I started on regular deadlift, but couldn't get things moving. I though the banded work my shock my CNS back into action. Weight was ~500-600 at the top? I felt really strong at lockout, but my off-floor work is horrible right now. I plan to fix this with some new exercises in the coming weeks.

Deadlift off blocks:
conventional, no belt.

225 x 8
315 x 8
405 x 1 @ 10+

ughh... this was due to me being worthless

405 x a lot, 3 sets

superset w/
Zercher Squats:
225 x 8, 8, 8

These felt surprisingly good.

Finished with cable abs and hamstring stretching.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Conditioning Day 9/11/2010

At the park...
-12 Short Distance Sprints ( back and forth at a basketball court )
-4 supersets of mountain climbers, long jumps, burpees and push ups ( about 20 sec each )
-6 Short Distance Sprints ( back and forth at a basketball court )
-1 superset of mountain climbers, long jumps, burpees and push ups ( about 20 sec each )

I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest from breathing so hard. I would eventually like to push cars or do some kind of sled work. This was one hell of a conditioning session though. The whole workout lasted about 20-25 min.

Deload recap

It was deload week so I'll just post highlights from each day
135 x 5 x 2
155 x 3 x 3

Reverse grip bench
115 x 10 x 5

Zercher squat
135 x 10 x 3
145 x 10 x 2

Incline bench
115 x 10 x 2
125 x 10 x 2
135 x like 5 or 6 before spotter came in

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bench Assistance

Foam press
215 x 3
225 x 3, 3 almost failed last rep

Pin press
185 x 5
195 x 5
Gym closed so I did pullups at home.

BW x 15, 12, 12, 12

Bench Day 9/10/2010

Bench w/ Shirt off pins ( about 3in from my chest )

275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
This felt A LOT better than last time. The first rep of every set was awkward. It was hard to explode for some reason. The second and third rep felt better and more explosive. I'm hoping for a 300 lb shirted bench by Nov. 6

Incline Bench

185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
This was hard after shirted bench

Super Set - Dumbbell Bench ( 80lbs ) / Close Grip Pull Ups
x8 / x14
x7 / x12
x6 / x10

Superset - Bicep Curls ( 55 ) and Reverse Crunches
x12 / x15
x12 / x15
x12 / x15

Cardio - Ran up and Down Janss steps until feeling winded. Drake was closed

09/10/10 Deadlift

It has been a while since I have done a full movement straight deadlift, so I figured now was as good a time as ever. Although with how my squat workout went earlier this week I had some doubts as to how well it would go.

455 x 3 @8.5
475 x 3 @9
495 x 1 @9
515 x 1 @10

I planned on only doing 2 triples but because I wasn't sure how it would go I started with 455 and it was much easier than I had anticipated and after 475 I was feeling pretty good so I wanted to see where I am at. 515 is a solid raw PR and the heavy rack pulls are having some very good carry over as the lockout was the easiest part.

315 x 5 @8
335 x 5 @8.5
335 x 5 @8.5
335 x 5 @9

Was planning on doing some walking lunges but decided against it in order to maybe save myself a little and hopefully have a good squat day next week.

Hanging leg raises and trunk twists.

Weighted hypers.

09/08/10 Bench

225 x 3 @8
255 x 3 @8.5
275 x 3 @9.5
275 x 3 @10
275 x 2 @10

The 2nd rep on the last set at 275 was solid but I definitely knew that I would fail on a 3rd so I racked it. I have never done more than 2 reps at 275 with a pause so to do multiple triples at 275 was definitely a PR.

Pin Press (at 2-3 board height):
225 x 2 @7.5
255 x 2 @8
275 x 2 @9
295 x 2 @10

The regularly benching took more out of me than I originally thought so these were tougher than normal.

Smith Machine JM Press:
175 x 6 for 4 sets @9

This was a pretty good pure tricep isolation movement.

DB Rows:
3 sets of 8 with 135 @9

Coming off a poor squat day it felt good to have a better day today.

9-10-10 Deadlift

345 x 3 @ 8.5
370 x 3 @ 9.5 PR :)

Stiff Legged Deadlift (belted)
265 x 5 @ 8.5
275 x 5 @ 9
285 x 5 @ 9 PR

Zercher Squats
135 x 5, 5, 8, 8
I'm afraid to go too low on these because it is similar to the front squat motion which injured my knee. I can't let my right knee click. I went way lower on these than I have in previous weeks with my elbows to knees instead of just to the high pins. Back was starting to feel tight by this point in the workout.

225 x 15
315 x 12
315 x 8, 6 hands sweaty grip gone
225 x 10

Abs and stretching

Weigh in: 154.5 with clothes and shoes

Bench assistance

3 Board Press

Low Pin Press ~2 inches off chest

Tricep pushdown


Bicep curlz

Bench and Back. Tuesday, 9/7/10

Bench 3x4 (with pauses)

Decline Dumbell Bench 3x8

One-Arm Rows 3x8 (each arm)

Shoulder Press (seated)

Ultra-Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Super Close-Grip Bench (for TRICEPS)
-> using curved preset easy curl bar and with keeping elbows in
60x9 + fail

Bicep Curls
50x7 + fail
50 x 5-second negatives x 5 reps


Deadlift (conventional)
365 x 3
385 x 3 -Uploaded a video to the team account but it's sideways. Too lazy to fix it.

Stiff legged deads (unbelted)
275 x 5
285 x 5, 5

185 x 8 (unbelted)
185 x 8 (belted)

Barbell shrugs
405 x 8, 8
405 x 12 (chalked up)

Dumbbell rows (standing w/ straps)
125 x 10, 10, 10 (most parentheses that have ever been used in a post)


Worked up to
Add belt
500x3 PR


DB Shrugs( 125 lb DB's )

Bent Over Rows-

Weighted Hanging Leg Raises-

3 Prowler Laps

Really happy, with the Deadlift. I couldn't get that 3rd rep last week.
Also my Singlet and cool T-Shirt came today... the 3XL fits perfect, not to loose.. and no Mooseknuckle!
Heres a vid of 500x3

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bench 3

295 x 3
315 x 3 PR
320 x 3 PR
325 x 3 PR

Wtffffff. Awesome.

Push Press
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

Felt easy, but I was lazy. My right bicep's tendonitis started hurting bad at this point so I took some vitamin I.

Pin Press:
225 x 5, 6 sets

Right pec was feeling funny after benching heavy, so I went light and for volume.

supersetted with

Wide-grip pull ups:
bw x 7, 8, 10, 12

These felt really hard at first but got progressively easier. I must need to lose weight, haha.

Finished with some light cable triceps and biceps curls for the elbow prehab. Also, hamstring stretching.

Deadlift Day 9/9/2010


455 x 2 ( wtf...I've done this before... )
445 x 3


345 x 5
365 x 5
375 x 5 PR

Front Squat

225 x 5
245 x 5 PR
255 x 5 PR

Barbell Shrugs

405 x 10
405 x 10
405 x 10
I don't know if I have the form right for these. I usually do the shrug machine because there's no bar rubbing on my legs.

Inverted Rows w/ 45lb plate on my chest
3 x 8

Cable Crunches - 4 sets

Great workout today. I can't believe I didn't get 455 x 3. I guess sometimes you're off. Although I'm surprised I got 445 x 3 after the crumbiest/hardest double I've ever done. Maybe I just wasn't in the zone. My body felt beat afterwards.


Workout was cut short because the gym was closing. Probably better off this way since I'll be doing bench assistance in 2 days.

Bench (brief pause)
175 x 3
185 x 3
195 x 3

Push press
135 x 5
145 x 5

Incline dumbbell press
65s x 8, 6

Post training BW: 188.4 lbs
I went to a wedding this weekend. I binged on chocolate covered strawberries at the reception so I'm pretty sure my higher bodyweight is because I've gained pure fat. More leverage for benching right? :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9-8-10 Bench

185 x 3 @ 8.5
195 x 3 @ 9
205 x 2 + spot @ 10 :(
I was able to hit 205 x 3 3 weeks ago, but today was not even close. I wasn't mentally prepared for it today.

Push Press
95 x 5 @ 8
115 x 5 @ 9
125 x 4 + failed lockout @ 10 PR
115 x 5 @ 9.5
These are still hard on my shoulders, but I'm getting better at them. If I rebound after lowering the weight it's much easier to get it back up compared to the first rep or if I reset a rep. Wrists hurt a little after these.

Incline Dumbbell Press
55's x 10
60's x 8 x 2

Pull Ups
BW x 15 x 3

superset with IYT's shoulder raises
10's x 8 reps per position x 3 sets

50 crunches x 2 sets


09/07/10 Squat

Foam Box Squat:
335 x 5 @10
335 X 5 @10
335 X 5 @9.5

Today was a rough day, weight just felt heavy and moved slow - was hoping to do a bit more weight.

Zercher Squats:
3 x 6 x 225 @8.5

Haven't done these in a while, so I was just getting a feel for them again.

Banded Hamstring Curls

Barbell Rolling Abs:
4 x 8 x 185

Incline DB Curls:
3 x 8 x 35s

09/04/10 Bench

Reverse Band Bench:
315 x 4 @7.5
335 x 4 @8
365 x 4 @8.5
385 x 4 @9.5
405 x 2 @9.5
425 x 2 @10

Incline Bench:
185 x 6 @8.5
195 x 6 @9
195 x 6 @9
195 x 6 @10

Incline Skullcrushers:
4 x 12 x 90 @8.5

09/02/10 Deadlift

Rack Pulls:
495 x 4 @8
525 x 4 @8
545 x 4 @8.5
565 x 4 @9
585 x 4 @9.5
605 x 2 @10
625 x 2 @10

4 x 8 x 295 @8

Bulgarian Split Squats:
4 x 10 x 35s

Leg Raises (Abs)

Bench Day 9/7/2010


205 x 3
215 x 3
225 x 3 PR
225 x 2 ( just didn't happen )

Push Press

155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 4 PR ( damn it ! so close to getting 5 )

Incline Bench w/ Dumbbells

8 reps in each hand w/75's
8 reps in each hand w/80's
8 reps in each hand w/85's

Superset - Lat pull downs w/ Shoulder isolation
3 sets; 10 reps with lat pull down on 200 then 25 lbs for Is, Ys & Ts

Ab Wheel + PNF Stretching

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


290x3 @ 9
275x3 @ 7 ( this one felt so ez )
275x3 @ 8

Push Press-
185 x 5,5,5
205 x 5

Incline DB( 70 Lb DB's )

DB Side Raises




215 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 1 + failed on second
225 x 2
not up to par

Push Press
95, 105, 115, 125 x 5

Incline Dumbbell Press
50, 55, 65 x 10

Lateral Raise
25 x 6, 6
20 x 8


Squat 3

Just got back from a crazy weekend in VEGASSSSS. 14 hours of sleep for 5 days. Still sick too. The Jürgens Method is in full effect.

405 x 3
425 x 3
445 x 3 @ 9
455 x 3 @ 9+

Hip felt nasty on these. I had zero rebound in order to protect it.

Pause Squat:
365 x 3, 3 sec @ 9+
405 x 3, 3 sec @ 9
425 x 3, 3 sec @ 9+

Whoa, not expecting 425 with such little sleep.

Did a few leg extension and super decline sit ups. Then hamstring stretching.

9-7-10 Squats

305 x 3 @9
315 x 3 @9
325 x 3 @9.5

Pause Squat (belted) 3 seconds
255 x 3 @8.5
265 x 3 @8
275 x 3 @8

135 x 10
165 x 10
185 x 10
205 x 12

Abs and stretching

Weigh In: 152.8 with shoes and clothes

Squat Day 9/6/2010


335 x 3
345 x 3
345 x 3
These were hard !!! I can't believe I could hit 375 x 2 when I was doing Texas method. But, I did focus a lot on keeping my knees out. I hunched over on two reps but other than that I felt I kept my knees out. I wish my squat would have gone up like my bench and deadlift.

Pause Squats

275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
Perfect Weight


185 x 6
185 x 6
205 x 4
205 x 4
Going back to lunges for a while.

Superset - Frog Leaps w/ Reverse Crunches

There's a studio at the Bally's I went to and I did frog leaps back and forth and then did reverse crunches. 5 sets total.


Monday, September 6, 2010


Recently Moved my squat stance much wider, Switched Oly narrow to a medium wide stance, My knees feel way better too. My hamstrings had some catching up to do.. finally getting there..

385 x 3 @ 8
405 x 3 @ 8
405 x 3 @ 7.5
add belt
435 x 3 @ 9

Pause Squat
330 x 3, 3, 3

135 x 8,8,8

Weighted Situps

PNF Stretch ( OUCH ) + Foam Roll

- 3 Heavy Short Sprints

Happiest I've been with the squat for a while.. Got a video..
I still Need to work on keeping tighter, and A bigger chest..
I think my Depth is good? any criticism welcomed..


255 x 3
265 x 3
275 x 3
285 x 3 -depth questionable (video)

Here's a video from 3 months ago (275 x 5):

-bar rolling on my back has been mostly eliminated (grip is no longer thumbless)
-chest is staying up a little more
-knees coming forward less? (might just seem this way because of the different angle)
Form is still far from perfect but hopefully is going in the right direction. Any critique is much appreciated. Also sorry for spamming the wall with my videos lately...The fact that everyone has smart phones now makes it too convenient.

Pause squats (no belt)
195 x 3
205 x 3, 3

Power cleans
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3

135 x 4 -warmup
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5 -PR

Standing abs
90 x 1 set
100 x 2 sets

Finished with some stretching. Unfortunately I didn't have a partner by the end of the workout for PNF stretching :(

Return of the Back Squat. Monday, 9/6/10


Back Squats 3x5
185 (tough)
-> no belt

Pause Squats 3x3
-> with 3 second pauses, no belt

Barbell Lunges 3x8 each leg

Shrug Machine 4x8
-> all sets slow and controlled with 3 plates on each side

Rotary Torso Machine (Core) 4x5 each way

Hamstring Leg Curl 3x8 each leg

Machine Calf Raises
174x20 all with pauses at top
174x20 all with pauses at top



235, 245, 255, 265 x 3

Pause Squat
185 x 3 x 3 @ 3 sec

Dumbbell Lunges + Abs


Home Workout with Resistance Bands. Saturday, 9/4/10

Banded Pushups (with purples)
6 reps
8 reps
8 reps
8 reps

Banded Chest Press (with pauses)
3 x 8 reps

Close-Grip Perfect Pushups
2 x 12 reps

Banded Bent-Over Rows (with pauses, with purples)
4 x 5 reps

Banded "Simulated" Lat Pulldowns
4 x 5 reps

Banded Pullaparts
3 x 8 reps

Banded Tricep Extensions
2 x 12 reps

Bicep Curls
-> with 27lb dumbell??
7 reps each arm
6 reps each arm

Banded Tricep Extension Kickbacks
-> with mini-bands
2 x 15 reps

Banded Hammer Curls (with purples)
2 x 16 reps

Deadlifts. Friday, 9/3/10

285 x 5 --> P.R.!!!! (no belt, no chalk)
-> form not so great on last 2 reps, although I had decent pre-loading on opening reps, last rep incredibly difficult but I got it, didn't do any more sets though so as not to injure myself

Pause Squats (3 second pauses) 5x3

Romanian Deadlifts/ Stiff-Leg Deadlift Standing on Box
-> off a 4 inch box, no belt
205 x 10 --> P.R.!!
225 x 10 (touch & go) --> P.R.!!!!! + 10 shrugs while holding the weight at the top of the last rep, forearms tiring at end of shrugs

Bench Day 9/3/2010


185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 4 ( I needed a spot on the fifth rep. 205 x 5 felt easy so I went for it. Maybe next time. )

Incline Bench

185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
These were hard after doing full range bench.

Dumbbell Pull Overs
80 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 8
100 lbs x 6

Close Grip Pull Ups
x 15, x 13, x11, x12

Hammer Curls w/ 50lbs
3 x 10 ( each arm )

Abz - Decline Bench w/ 10lb weight behind my head
3 x 5, followed by 3 sets of one armed/one legged prone bridges

This was a good workout. Looks like my bench is going up slowly every week. I did more reps on this day because I felt like I did some heavy lockout work with the shirt on tuesday.

Deadlift Day 9/2/2010


405 x 5
425 x 5


365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Zercher Squats

225 x 5
225 x 6
245 x 5

Shrug Machine w/ 7 plates on each side
3 x 10

Chest Supported Rows w/ straps

3 plates x 10
3 plates + Qtr x 8
4 plates x 6

Deadlifts felt good and this was a good workout overall. I did this in an hour and a half before a 7hr drive to the bay area and was sweating my ass off.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bench Assistance

Foam Press
205 x 3
215 x 3
225 x 3, 3 -PR

Pin press (~4 inches off chest)
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 4
These felt much better than last week where I struggled with 185

BW x 12, 12, 10

Dumbbell curls
40s x 8, 8

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Standing press
100 x 5
110 x 3
125 x 3
85 x 10 x 3
85 x 9 x 2

Chin ups
BW x 15
BW x 10 x 4

Reverse curls/machine shrugs superset
(70 x 10, 3 plates and a quarter x 10) x 5

I know why we zercher

300 x 5
340 x 3
380 x 1
235 x 10 x 5

Zercher squats
95 x 10
115 x 10
125 x 10 x 2
135 x 10
I finally realized these feel the same as when I bring my hips down for sumo so I think I'll put them in regular rotation on deadlift day.

Friday, September 3, 2010

9-3-10 Deadlift and pitiful bench accessories and highland games practice

yesterday instead of deadlifting I went up to Eaton Canyon falls and practiced some caber toss. I couldn't flip the 8 foot caber :( but I got it to land at about 10 o'clock. I moved into my apartment today which is why I didn't deadlift prior so I could actually move furniture.

305 x 5 @ 8
325 x 5 @ 9
345 x 4.5 @ 10 I had to reset after the first rep because the octagon plates bounce everywhere and I failed lockout on rep 3, but I reset and did 2 more. I was a little sore from caber tossing the day before. My belt is too thick for deadlift and digs into me and hurts. So many personal problems.

Stiff Legged Deadlift unbelted
225 x 5 @ 6-7
245 x 5 @ 7
265 x 5 @ 8
feeling stronger on the stiffies

Pin Presses from 5" off chest
185 x 5 @ 6
205 x 5 @ 8
225 x 1 @ 9.5
some shoulder pain, maybe I should have warmed up better. I know my lockout is stronger.

Close Grip Pull ups
BW x 15 x 3



Lat Pulldowns



9/3 Bench

Week 2 Cycle 2



Barbell Row:
185x8, 8

Felt lethargic and drained of energy today. Add to that, nobody else showed up to the gym today, and I had to unrack my own benches (which irritates the shit out of my elbows) = lame performance.

Back, Bench, and Shoulders. Wednesday, 9/1/10

Pullover Machine 4x5

Iso-Lateral Front Lat Pulldown Machine 4x5
-> with the close grip open bicep hold (thumbless grip)
70 lbs each side
80 lbs each side
90 lbs each side (2 plates) --> P.R.!!
90 lbs each side (2 plates)

One Arm (Twisting) Cable Row 3x8
-> thumbless grip
50 lbs x 8 each arm
60 lbs x 8 each arm
60 lbs x 8 each arm

Hammer Curls 1x12
-> one set of 27.5s x 12 reps each arm


Bench 4x5 (with pauses)
125 --> P.R.!!
130 --> P.R.!!! (I could hit a plate for 5 reps with press calls for sure)

Standing Press 5x5
-> started out with 85 and it felt super heavy so I just dropped the weight and focused on form
70 (preset barbell)

Incline Dumbell Bench 4x8
45s x 9

Dumbell Shoulder Press
35s x 5
27.5s x 8
27.5s x 8

Front Shoulder Raises 2x10
15s x 10
15s x 10

Lateral Shoulder Raises 2x8
12s x 8
12s x 8

Rear Delt Flys
7.5s x 15
10s x 10

Tricep Pushdowns
-> 1 tiring set of 60 lbs x 40 reps to flush blood through muscles


305, 315, 325 x 5 (medium difficulty)

Stiff-Legged Deadlift
225, 235, 245 x 5 (easy)

Shrugs, PNF

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bench Assistance

Didn't sleep much the night before due to work, but didn't anticipate how lethargic I felt until I started benching.

315 x 3
325 x 5, 5, 5 @ 8+ - 9

Pin Press:
225 x 5
235 x 5
245 x 5 @ 9
255 x 5 @ 10

Supersetted with wide-grip bent over rows.

Finished with a superset of banded curls, and triceps pushdowns. Then hamstring stretching and crunches.

deadlift 9/2/10

515x5x2 PR

stiff legs:


these were really hard after deadlifts

one armed rows


Sumo Deadlift
345 x 5 -not easy
365 x 5 -tough, almost failed the last rep
345 x 3 -wanted to try this out just to see how different it would feel after pulling sumo and it felt much faster and easier than 345 sumo, I'll probably be switching back next week

Still legged deads
275 x 5
295 x 5

GMOPs (pin 9)
no belt
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

Barbell shrugs
405 x 8, 8 -grip gone from deads

Dumbbell rows
132 x 8, 8

9/2 Front Squat

Week 2 Cycle 2

Front Squat:
215x5 (same as last time)



BW: 233, no shoes and considerably less bloat

Pretty good session today. Probably could've reached deep down and hit 6 @ 215 today, but it wouldve been really really ugly, and I just didnt want to sacrifice form that much. As compensation for that, I went a little bit harder on the squats afterwards. Did all of this without a belt, which I think is helping out my ab/low back strength and recovery.

Also, trying to eliminate more crap from the diet, and get a bit leaner. Going to be listing BW more frequently.

Tuesday 8-28

185 X 5
195 X 5
195 X 4
195 X 3

Incline Dumbbell Press
60s X 5
65 X 5
65 X 5
65 X 4


Monday 8-27

245 X 5
265 X 5
275 X 5
285 X 5
295 X 5

Pause Squat
195 X 5
205 X 5
225 X 5
235 X 5
245 X 5

Front Squat
185 X 5
185 X 3


Bench Wednesday 09-01-10

So I found a gym nearby and got myself in the free trial week(s). I dont know when it's gonna end.

Bench Press
125 x 5, 5
135 x 5, 5

Push Press
95 x 5
105 x 5, 5
felt funny on the 2nd set, so I didnt go up on the 3rd.

Incline Dumbbell Press
30 x 10
35 x 8,8,8

bodyweight x 6, 8, 8, 6


Body Weight: 160.5 lbs

I trusted you, donuts

145 x 5
160 x 3
180 x 4
135 x 10
140 x 10
140 x 9+f
140 x 8
140 x 8

Cable rows
195 x 10 x 5

Chin ups
BW x total of 40

10 minutes on the treadmill

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


205 x 5, 5
215 x 4
205 x 4

Push Press
95, 105, 115 x 5

Incline Dumbbell Press
45 x 10
50 x 10, 15

Lat PullDown


225, 235, 245 x 5

Pause Squat
185 x 3 x 2 @ 3 sec
195 x 3 @ 3 sec

135 x 6 x 3

Plyos + Abs + PNF

Is it working?

230 x 5
260 x 3
290 x 2
175 x 10
185 x 10 x 4

Leg extensions
140 x 10
150 x 10
160 x 10
170 x 10

horrible cardio abs

Pull ups
BW x 15 then goaded into hitting 30 total

Squats. Tuesday, 8/31/10

Box Squats 3x5
-> no belt

Front Squats 3x5
-> no belt
135 --> P.R.!!!
-> these somewhat aggravated my wrists

Hang Cleans
115x10 --> P.R.!!!!

Barbell Shrugs 3x5 (HEAVY)
-> not quite full shrugs but the best I could do, forearms slipping at the end

Calf Raises (on Smith machine) 3x10

Medicine Ball Sit-Ups (Core)
-> on decline bench with arms fully extended holding medicine ball out and above head
18 lb medicine ball x 10 reps
18 lb medicine ball x 10 reps
18 lb medicine ball x 10 reps

Weighted Sit-Ups with Toe Touches (Core)
-> with arms fully extended and touching weight to one foot at a time alternating the leg I lift up with each rep
25 lb plate x 10 reps
25 lb plate x 12 reps
25 lb plate x 12 reps