Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9-8-10 Bench

185 x 3 @ 8.5
195 x 3 @ 9
205 x 2 + spot @ 10 :(
I was able to hit 205 x 3 3 weeks ago, but today was not even close. I wasn't mentally prepared for it today.

Push Press
95 x 5 @ 8
115 x 5 @ 9
125 x 4 + failed lockout @ 10 PR
115 x 5 @ 9.5
These are still hard on my shoulders, but I'm getting better at them. If I rebound after lowering the weight it's much easier to get it back up compared to the first rep or if I reset a rep. Wrists hurt a little after these.

Incline Dumbbell Press
55's x 10
60's x 8 x 2

Pull Ups
BW x 15 x 3

superset with IYT's shoulder raises
10's x 8 reps per position x 3 sets

50 crunches x 2 sets



Luke said...

left shoulder has been in pain since bench workout. it clicks a little bit. I think this was caused by push presses.

Juggernaut, the said...

How wide is your grip for the push presses?

Jake, if you're reading this, any thoughts on how to avoid shoulder pain for this kind of movement?

Luke said...

I use a narrow grip, the same as my clean grip. I prefer to clean the bar before push presses because it starts in a more natural position which feels better on my shoulders.