Saturday, July 31, 2010
7/31 Bench
235x3 PR
245x3 (Gregged last rep) PR
225x8, 7 PR
Face Pulls:
DB Laterals:
and some light curls to finish. Today was a very good day for benching. 245x3, even if it was ugly, is a HUGE PR for me. The 2-board is right about where I am stalling in the rep, so I will be working those and my delts really hard for the next 6 weeks.
7-31-10 combined workouts day
Heavy Squat/Deadlift 7/29/2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
I used to be good at these I swear
Bench Press:
I basically wanted to see where my bench press is at. I'll be able to hit 175 next week. Still getting back into the routine.
Tricep Pulldowns:
3 sets of transversus medicine ball stuff
Wednesday Weigh In:
160 lbs
Today I went bicycle riding with my girlfriend for a little while.
Benching / Lockout-work
365 x 3 @ 9
385 x 2 + 1f
Had a really bad spot on the second set, with a failed lift off, no help out, and a failed spot. I think I would have gotten the 3rd rep @10 had the liftoff gone smoothly. It was close though
Pin Press:
225 x 5 @ 8
245 x 5 @ 9
255 x 5 @ 10
235 x 5 @ 9+
225 x 5 @ 9+
I really wanted to work off-the-chest today so I managed to get the pins set up so it was maybe .5" off my chest. This is definitely a weakpoint for my raw bench as my lockout is significantly stronger. This pin set up felt right for working that position and my evident weakness shows. I will keep this in the rotation for the summer to see if I can make more progress.
Supersetted cable triceps with one arm rows with the 120s. Then I did curls up to the 60s and ghr abs. I'm starting to feel in better shape again after the post-meet lull.
7/29 Chicken and Waffles
And now to the real event of the night. Went to Roscoe's and demolished a 1/2 Chicken smothered in Gravy, 2 Waffles, and a side of Grits. Soooooooo good.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bench Day 7/28/2010
Upper Back 7/27/2010
Coming around full circle
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday 7-28
7/28 Bench
Push Press: 145x7 PR
Incline DB
DB Laterals
Overhead DB Extensions
My left bicep tendon was irritating me again today. At the bottom of my bench, it felt just like all the strength just gave out on me. I think I'll replace the RGBP with a close grip for the next few weeks just to give it a chance to heal a bit. Still managed to equal a previous PR on that exercise, so I'm not too unhappy. And I hit a huge PR on the Push Press today (previous bests were 135x5 and 165x1)
Tuesday 7-27
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The extreme arch is catching up to me
405 x 3
425 x 3
445 x 3
455 x 3
Something was off on my first 405 and 455, and I fell forward on both reps. Recovered and hit the second two reps fine. Very unsettling though. 445 was the best set.
SS-bar Box Squat:
235 x 5
325 x 5 @ 8
345 x 5 @ 9
375 x 5 @ 10
375 was heavy and my core was gone on the last rep, but it was nice.
135 x 5
155 x 5
185 x 5
Felt better than I thought.
Afterward, crunches + hamstring stretches. I'm really liking this stretching.
7-27-10 RE Bench
Upper Back
Monday 7-26
7/27 Back
Machine Pullover: 230x9
Face Pulls: 150x10
Barbell Shrugs: 315x20
Ez-Bar Curls: 90x8
Trained earlier today with Ben, since he is not able to make most of the training times. It was a good training session, and I tried to keep my form as strict as I could with all of the exercises.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Squat Day 7/26/2010
7/26 Moving Day Squat
Good Morning: 205x8
V-Squat Machine: 230x10
GHR Situps
Spent the morning driving down I-5 listening to Mexican music on the radio. Got all settled in down here, got a haircut, put on my dinosaur t-shirt, and got to squatting.
Pre-Workout BW: 233lbs
Almost back in place
275 x 3
285 x 3 @ 9
295 x 3 @ 9+
285 x 3 @ 9
Push Press:
185 x 5 @ 8
205 x 5 @ 9
225 x f @ 11
195 x 4
185 x 5
205 felt nice, but 225 felt heavvy right from the start. I nearly locked out the first rep but lost it and almost dropped the weight on the ground. Still positive about the work though.
Incline Dumbbell:
85s x 8
Popping the dumbbell up really aggravated my right hip so i scrapped these immediately.
Close-grip Bench:
225 x 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 8-10
Paused on the chest for these. Started out feeling good but tired by the end.
finished with some shoulder raises. Did partner stretching for my hamstrings which now feel amazing. I really need to keep stretching them daily. Hopefully that will help my lower back.
7-26-10 Hybrid Day
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lower back
Good Morning Off Pins:
315 x 5, 5
365 x 5, 5
Felt 90%. Slight pain in my lower back on the last two sets. The pins were quite low on this though, which made for a nice stretch.
Block Pulls:
225 x 8
315 x 8
405 x 2 (oww)
315 x 8, 8
My lower back felt right below a pain spasm on 405, so I stopped. The weight wasn't heavy though. After last week, I consider 315 a success. Will increase to 365 this coming week.
Finished with ghr abs and ball reverse hypers to pump up my lower back. A good workout, but I should have tried to squeeze in another secondary exercise
Bench Day 7/25/2010
Bench Press:
Close Grip Bench Press:
Overhead Tricep Extensions:
12x10 (each arm)x3
supersetted with Wrist Curls:
12x30 (each arm)x3
Shoulder Press Machine:
Weigh In:
159.5 lbs
Subsequent lack of progress
Friday, July 23, 2010
7-23-10 Squats Rackpulls
Deadlift/Squat Day 7/22/2010
315 x 1 hard
365 x fail ( I had NO explosion; felt like shit )
345 x 1
345 x 1
I had no power in my legs to do these, stopped at 2 singles at 87-88% of 1RM
Rack Pulls
425 x 3
425 x 3
425 x 3
425 x 3
Felt ok
315 x 8
315 x 8
315 x 8
Single-handed Pull Thrus w/ 60 lb Dumbbell & Crunches on Decline Bench
3 sets, 8 per arm ( 16 reps total ), 5 reps of crunches w/ 10lb weight behind my head
Mile at Drake
My body felt beat to shit today. Good workout though
315 x 3
365 x 3, 3
375 x 3
385 x 3
Bench w/ Chains:
135 + 80lbs of chains x 3
155 + 80lbs of chains x 3, 7 sets
Incline Bench:
Super steep incline; almost a military press, but not quite. Use a close grip, with pinkies 1" inside the ring.
135 x 8
155 x 8
165 x 8, 8, 8
Supersetted with close-grip pull ups and finished with a few cable tricep extensions
Back to work
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Heavy Squat/Deadlift
7/22 Bench
225x6, 4 PR
Seated Military:
135x5, 4
Delt Raises
Tricep Crap
Another Bench PR. This alternating of Reverse and Competition grip benches seems to be working quite well for me. I'm thinking of dropping most of my tricep isolation work, as the reverse grip and board presses (to be incorporated next week) should be adequate stimulus. Unracking the bar by myself has irritated my elbows again, and I want to give them a chance to heal.
Bench Day 7/21/2010
185 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5
Push Press
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5
These are awesome
Inclince Dumbbell
75 in each hand x 8
75 in each hand x 8
75 in each hand x 5 ( tired )
4 sets
Tricep Pull downs
4 sets
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
7/21 Upur Bak
Face Pulls:
165x10, 8
Barbell Cheat Curls:
Nothing much to say. Pull-ups are a bit harder with about 10-12lbs more bodyweight. The +45 set was about a 280lb pullup.
close stance
405 x 5, 4 sets
I hate having such a narrow stance, but any wider and the hip is no bueno. At least I'm getting some quad work in. Apparently, i'm sinking 3-4" below parallel on these too, which is nice?
SS-bar Box Squat:
235 x 5
285 x 2+5, 5, 5
Unbelted for the 235, but my lower back got irritated so I threw on the belt after the partial set of 2 at 285. These were easy, but went light to avoid irritating the hip.
Zercher Squat:
123 x 5, 5, 5
These did not feel good unlike last week. Kept it light just to get the motion in.
Threw in some ghr abs too.
Upper Back 7/20/2010
T Bar Rows
200 lbs x 10
200 lbs x 8
245 lbs x 5
245 lbs x 6
Pull Ups
10, 6 ( too short of a break ), 8, 8
Shrugs w/ Barbell
405 x 12
405 x 10
465 x 8
495 x 5 plus strip set down to 1 plate on each side
Straight bar Brocep curls
10 w/ 80 lbs
10 w/ 80 lbs
8 w/ 90 lbs plus 10 w/ 50 lbs
Jump Rope, Plyo Jumps w/ Qtrs in each hand, then sprints @ Drake
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday 7-20
Upper Back
7/20 Squat
295x3 PR?
315x1 (was good for more, but the bar hit the pins at the bottom of my 2nd rep and it threw me off balance)
Good Morning:
205x5, 5
Leg Press:
Legs are back to feeling strong again. The 315 was kinda dissapointing though, as a blunder prevented me from setting a PR. Will get more reps at that weight next week though. The Good Mornings felt really good today. Even though I'm using less weight, my form is a lot more strict.
7-20-10 RE Bench
Quick Bench
265 x 5
275 x 5, 5
265 x 5
Todd suggested dropping the weight some for my RE days in order to recover more. Given that 275 is around 85% of my max, I decided to try backing off more with lighter sets. We'll see how it works.
Push Press:
135 x 8
155 x 7, 8
185 x 5, 5
Apparently, I'm unusual in that I do these starting from a split stance, so the push press is just based on one leg's thrust. Less bar speed I guess, but everyone thought my form was good. I'm liking how these feel for my lockouts.
Finished with cable triceps and biceps. I can tell that I haven't been hitting triceps very hard lately (due to the elbow pain) as the extensions felt harder than I remembered. Need to work on that.
Monday 7-19
Monday 7-19
Squat Day 7/20/2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Return of Volume and Victor and Misael
7-19-10 Squat
7/19 Bench
225x5 PR
Incline Bench:
Delt Raises and Tricep Extensions
Was able to get a decent hand-off for bench today, so the 225 flew up compared to a week ago. Decided to incorporate a little more incline bench to knock out the chest/shoulder work in one blow. The 1500 calories worth of meatballs pre-gym may have helped too.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
7/18 Upper Back
Nothing to report really.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Light Bench
7/16 Squat
Good Morning:
165x12, 12
1-leg Leg Press:
Calf Raises
Weighted Situps
Good session today. Squatting strength is returning, and hopefully my legs will get a little bigger to help fill out the Hardcore next time I wear it. Weight was 233 again today. The Good Mornings really sucked today b/c I focused on strict form (killer low back pump).
Also, my t-shirt arrived today. Scott and Luke have their 3 Wolf Moon shirts, Vit has his Immortal shirt, Dave has those weird-ass cat shirts, and now I have my t-shirt.
This also marks the first time I used my weight belt. It commands respect.
warmups (lots of them to ensure good form)
2-on-2 Basketball:
went up for a rebound. Came down on someone's foot. Rolled my ankle. Very swollen now. I'm icing it and taking motrin to reduce swelling. I'll update you guys on my progress as it occurs. FML
Friday, July 16, 2010
7/16 Bench
225x4 + 1 Greg (PR)
Overhead Pin Press:
165x5, 4
Delts, Pecs, and Triceps
Good solid 4 reps at 225 today. I tried to get a 5th rep, but I got stuck in the middle. This leg drive really helps a lot.
I tried to do some standing presses, but my upper back was fried from yesterday.
7-16-10 Heavy Bench
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bench Press:
warmups--when I got to 135, my wrist started giving me problems due to a not serious wrist injury that should be okay within 2 days. Decided to keep it light enough where it didn't hurt my wrist but do enough reps to get the muscle memory back.
Machine Flyes:
Chest Press Machine:
Weigh In:
161 lbs--fully clothed plus shoes, post dinner
7-15-10 Heavy Squat no time to deadlift
7/15 Upper Back
3 sets
Close Grip Pulldowns:
3 sets
Barbell Shrugs:
6 sets
Rear Delts:
3 sets
and some Curls and Situps to finish everything off.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Post seeing Vit's "post meet workout" workout
7/14 Squat/Deadlift
Sumo Deadlift:
365x1, 1, 1
DB Swings:
100x8, 8
Just getting back into the leg workouts. I went with a narrower than usual stance on the sumo deadlifts, and it felt pretty good. And I really really suck at front squats, so I guess incorporating them is a good thing.
Post training bodyweight: 233lbs! PR (with shoes)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Post Meet Workout
Banch Prass
225x3, 2 (no Gregging this time)
Bench Press:
195x6, 5, 4
Rotator Cuff work
After shadowing this doctor around and seeing all of the rotator cuff tears and injuries, I have been inspired to do more pre-hab work for the area.
Also, post training body weight (with shoes on) was 228lbs. I attribute this weight gain to the coconut meringue cake my sister made the other day. Looks like I'll be lifting in the 242's come November haha.
7-13-10 RE Bench
Monday, July 12, 2010
7-12-10 Squat
7.12.10--Return from Israel
Posting from Sweden
Out of town on a conference, so here's the workouts I did before I left
(ran late from work, very tired)
275 x 5, 5, 5, 4 + 1f (gassed)
Pin Press:
275 x 3
285 x 3
275 x 3
225 x 5, 5
Incline Bench:
80 x 8
85 x 8
90 x 8, 7
405 x 1
435 x 1
455 x 1 @ 8
My right hip was still bothering me, so I switched to olympic stance with no hip flare. I also put on my suit as a briefs to add some tightness. 455 was easier than i expected, given the awkward stance.
Conventional Deadlift:
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 2 (owww)
Accidentally had the belt loose on the 405 and my right side started hurting. Very frustrating. I will probably start back with block pulls and work my way back to the floor on these.
Block Pulls:
405 x 5
455 x 5, 2
225 x 18, 22
Tried to get a pump on the last two sets to flush some blood in. These felt good though.
Finished with some sled dragging and hamstring curls.
295 x 1
305 x 1
345 x 1
365 x 1
375 x 1
385 x 1 (PR?)
Felt pretty good on the 3-board. I think i could've done 395, but decided to stop early.
Push Press:
135 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 5, 5
Todd suggested push presses as an alternate for plain standing press due to the carry over from increased bar speed. I hadn't done them seriously before, but I think I will rotate them in to see how it works.
Tricep Extensions:
15s to 40s x 8
Worked up slowly. My right elbow tendon still feels really bad with these, but if I warm up slowly it's almost manageable.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My First Meet - Cal State Games
Well yesterday was an AWESOME experience and I’m super pumped to compete again in November. I actually got the bronze for the 181 weight class which was pretty cool. I over-anticipated the weight-in and woke up at 178. Better safe than sorry.
1st attempt- 347lbs ( easy ) 3 white lights
2nd attempt- 385.7 lbs ( moderate ) 3 white lights
3rd attempt- 402.2 - No lift. Ran out of air a couple of inches out of the hole and felt my right leg give out.
Squat - 385.7
1st attempt - 198.2 ( easy ) three white lights
2nd attempt - 209.2 ( not bad ) 2 white lights, 1 red light. Not sure but I think I sunk the bar a little after the press call.
3rd attempt - 220.2 ( semi-grinder ) three white lights. Happy with it, not my best but I wanted to make sure I got the 3 lifts for bench.
Bench Total - 220.2
1st attempt- 418.7 ( easy ) three white lights
2nd attempt - 451.7 ( not too bad ) three white lights
3rd attempt - 473.7 PR!!! ( hard as a mofo ) extreme grinder but I got the three lights.
Deadlift - 473.7
Meet Total - 1079.6
Pretty happy w/ the result. I was kinda bummed I didn’t get the 402. I really thought I would get it. Longest day of my life but it was worth it. Thanks to Matt and Vit for driving my ass there and back. Thanks to Rainy for taking pictures and video clips. And thanks to Terrance for the hard slaps on the back. And of course, thanks to all of you who helped get me ADDICTED to this awesome sport. I’ll be taking this week off and playing as much soccer as I possibly can. Then I’ll be going back to lifting.
Upper Back
BWx8, 5
45x5, 3
Lat Pulldowns:
T-bar Row:
July 10th Meet Results
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Post #3,000!!!!!!!!1!!! Squat
Kind of a lame post though. Just getting back into squatting after the 2 week layoff, so my poundages are down.
Box Squat (with pad thing on the bar):
185x3, 3, 3
Calves and Abs
Hope everyone competing today did well!
7-10-10 who will be mr 3000? bench
Friday, July 9, 2010
Post #2,998: Post-Tahoe Bench
Reverse Grip Bench:
225x3 PR (Gregging on last rep)
Regular Bench:
185x5, 5, 5
Triceps, Biceps, Forearm and Delt work
Just kind of said "what the hell" when it came to the Reverse Grip, so I hit a hard triple at 225. Wouldn't have passed at a meet, but it went up.
Regular bench numbers were a little lower b/c I basically blew my load on the Reverse Grips (need to increase my work capacity lol), and b/c I am trying to keep my wrists straighter. The first two sets sucked pretty hard just because of the awkward hand position/elbow flare. The third set, I took a thumbless grip on the bar, and it felt like DE work b/c I was able to tuck more and keep my wrists straight.
Ordering tomorrow
Thursday, July 8, 2010
7-8-10 Squat and Deadlift
Randomass Pointless Workout
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
7-7-10 RE Bench
Monday, July 5, 2010
Working around injury squat
SS-bar Box Squat:
used a 14" box, which is .5 inches below parallel for me. I normally use a 13" but wanted to keep it higher to avoid aggravating the hip.
285 x 5
325 x 2, 5, 5, 5
The first set of 325, I was jet powered due to my stomach feeling horrible. I stopped after 2 to avoid having the jets burn solid fuel ifyouknowwhati'msayin'. The other 3 sets felt fine, thankfully.
Zercher Squat:
1 second pause on the top of the legs. Used a fat bar today for these which was much better on my forearms. With a bit of padding, it might even be bearable at heavier weights.
173 x 5
213 x 5
263 x 5, 5
These feel pretty good, almost like a weird front squat. I recommend them to everyone.
Lunges hurt badly so I scratched them. Finished with some leg extensions/curls, ghr abs and 5 trips with the sled + 160 lbs. keg on top.
Pho powered squat
7-5-10 Squat
Sunday, July 4, 2010
7-4-10 4th of July Bench
Saturday, July 3, 2010
ME Bench
295 x 1
305 x 1 @ 9
Bench is feeling great. Everyone has a 1 second pause. The felt benches here make my leg drive feel fantastic.
Bench w/ Chains:
135 + 40c x 3, 3
135 + 80c x 3, 3, 3, 3
134 + 120c x 3, 3, 3
The chains didn't completely deload at the bottom, so I'm not sure what the weight was.
Standing Press:
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 4, 4
and Close-grip Pull ups:
bw x 20, 15
bw + 20 x 8?
bw + 20 x 8 + 2
Dumbbell Bench:
90s x 8, 8, 8, 8
35s x 8, 40s x 8, 45s x 8, 8 + 30s x 6
and Band Pull-aparts.
Trying to work in some extra volume to promote hypertrophy. I'd like to add some more muscle to my chest for benching in hopes it will carry over strength wise.
Horrible Squatting
Worked up to 365 x 2. My right hip was bothering me really badly, so I stopped. Also, my back. It's frustrating to be limited so early.
185 x 3, 3, 3, 3
Felt so-so on these because my back was aching.
zerchers @ 135 x 8 with bent over rows @ 135 x 8-10
Finished with leg extensions and machine row. + ghr abs
Only getting rep PRs because I never tried before
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
7/1/10 Bench
65 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 2
65 x 5
65 x 5
Foam Presses
75 x 3
75 x 3
85 x 0
75 x 3
80 x 3
I have really crappy stability on the bench press, gotta work on that.
Incline Dumbbell Press
12's x 8
12's x 8
12's x 8
Finished the workout by schoolin Terence in some bball. You just can't get past my defense, buddy ;)
Getting a belt soon
6-30-10 RE Bench
Incline and Shoulder Press and Back. Wednesday 6/29/10
105, 110, 115, 120, 120x4+fail
-> brought bar down to 1 inch above upper chest
One Arm Rows 5x5 (each arm)
65, 65, 65, 65, 65
Shoulder Press 5x3
85, 85, 85, 85, 85
-> brought bar down to just below chin level
Pullups on Thick Bar
10 BW, 8 BW, 8 BW
-> all thumbless
-> did these at the park on the bar that holds up all the swings
Banded Pullaparts 3x10
-> no weight, just the mini band
Power Cleans and Hang Cleans. Monday 6/27/10
Power Cleans 3x5
-> horrible form (couldn't get elbows even slightly up and no explosion today)
Hang Cleans 2x10
95 (tough)
Shrug Machine
95lbs each side -> for 1 set of 20 reps, slow and controlled
Triangle Jumps
1 set of 50 (25 each way) over a parking curb
Bench and Back. Saturday 6/25/10
-> all with press calls
-> tough when I didn't quite get leg drive quite right
Foam Roller Bench 3x8
Decline Dumbell Bench
50s x 8
50s x 7 + fail
50s x 6 +fail
Ultra-Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
100x8 with pauses
Close-Grip Cable Rows
Pullover Machine
Light Bicep Curls with Tricep Holds 2x10
-> all with 10lb weights