Monday, April 11, 2011

Ryan Squat 4/11/11

255 x1
285 x1
305 x1
315 x1 (PR 20LBS)
335 x1 (PR 40 LBS)

Pause Squat-
245 x3
265 x3
275 x3
285 x3

185 x8
225 x8
275 x8

Calves x3 heavy

plyos, abs


Vit said...

Damn that looked easy...I might need to sneak in some extra calf work to stay ahead of you in the order on squat days lol

Rolando said...

40 lb PR!?! Who're you calling a sandbagger?

Ryan said...

Haha, I honestly don't know where that came from. I was hoping for 315.

It's all the calves, vit