Friday, April 29, 2011


425 x 4+1fail (PR)
Before today my PR was 405x4 in suit bottoms, so this was a little greedy. My mentality of trying to PR every workout is starting to work against me as my form is taking a toll.

SSB box squats
172 x 8
222 x 5, 5, 5 all @10
I have a weakass core.

Deficit deads
315 x 5
335 x 5
345 x 5
I need to work on consciously engaging my hips/glutes at the right time instead of just pulling the weight up every time with my back.

Finished with 2 sets of hypers (w/ green band), 3 sets of ball bridges, and hamstring stretching.


Nick said...

Your speed off the floor is ridiculous, I still don't think this was greedy though, youre going to get 475 minimum before school ends

Vit said...


Scott Salomon said...

Vit, you gotta fuck the air. That is all.

Misael said...

This is EXACTLY what happened to me