225, 245 last warm-ups
255 tied previous PR from 10 months ago
265 (+10lb PR)
gas left in the tank, I left some room for more PRs in the future; I need to refresh my knowledge of the number system
at nationals 12 days ago, I hit 253 in a shirt (3 whites) and I hit 265 twice (1 white each)
obviously this gym PR wasn't strict form, but something is clearly wrong here as I get negative weight out of my super katana -- FAIL!
Speed Bench band lightened purples
185 x 3 x 3
205 x 3 x 6
Incline Bench
165 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5 (PR)
Superset shrugs and kneeling cable abs
still no pullups cause it's the worst thing for my tricep tendon
I thought I hurt my tricep doing heavy weight in a shirt, but it wasn't the weight apparently as I felt nothing on these equivalent weight benches (raw & equipped), it must have been the shirt itself
I think we are going to need to do some serious shirt work next fall lol. We all need to be getting a LOT more out of our benches.
In Greg's case, the shirt before the shirt is superior to the shirt itself.
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