Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Squat Day 6/28/2011

375 x 3 @8
385 x 3 @9
395 x 3 @9
Then the bar starts moving faster...
405 x 3 @9
420 x 3 @10 15lb PR, also my 1 rep Max

225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 2
bar was rolling off...2 minute break
295 x 3
I no longer like these...

Pause Squat
315 x 3
335 x 3
345 x 3 10lb PR

Supersetted Box Jumps & Transversus

PNF Stretching


Vit said...

Very impressive Mis! Also, is that Victor spotting???????

Misael said...

Thanks vit !!! Yea, that's victor alright. Now if only we can get him to post on the blog and keep coming to practice.

Juggernaut, the said...

Nice work on the squats. What do you think contributed to this new PR? Did the bands help your speed?

Misael said...

Yea the bands definitely helped. Also our use of the RPE chart. For example, last week I tied my PR of 385x5 and I wanted to go to 395x5 for the fifth set. But, I felt tired as hell and the 385 was definitely a 10. I think it's really important to stop at that point (if it wasn't for Greg talking me out of it I would have tried it). I stopped after the fourth set but it kept me from overtraining. 420x3 didn't feel as bad as 385x5 last week.