Worked out at 24 hour fitness in Arcadia. Went with Lauren, saw Kion Bell.
160 x 10 @ 9-
165 x 10 @ 10- felt harder than when I did sets of 10 2 weeks ago
Close Grip Bench
140 x 10 @ 10
140 x 10 @ 10+ may have had some help on the reps 8 and 9
Incline Bench
125 x 6 @ 10 arms dead at this point. after rep 5 I had trouble locking it out which may be due to the close grip
125 x 8 @ 10
315 x a bunch
405 x 15
405 x 20
shrugs did not bother my shoulder which is good news. weight felt heavier than I remember though
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
195 x 10
210 x 8
195 x 8
Kevin and Max are also doing sheiko cause Nick improved with it. Nick would probably improve with any routine, he's a beast, in his prime, and gets stronger just by stepping into a gym.
We'll see if it works for you...
I'm a terrible example,
really don't do what my dumbass does
go conservative on the first 2-3 weeks, the volume kicks your ass.
lessen the weight and get all the reps, you'll catch up once the 8's and 5's happen
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