Thursday, June 23, 2011

Luke 6-22-11 Bench wk1

So I'm starting the Ed Coan bench routine because Nick improved his max from 315 to 330 with it.
Worked out at 24 hour fitness in Arcadia. Went with Lauren, saw Kion Bell.

160 x 10 @ 9-
165 x 10 @ 10- felt harder than when I did sets of 10 2 weeks ago

Close Grip Bench
140 x 10 @ 10
140 x 10 @ 10+ may have had some help on the reps 8 and 9

Incline Bench
125 x 6 @ 10 arms dead at this point. after rep 5 I had trouble locking it out which may be due to the close grip
125 x 8 @ 10

315 x a bunch
405 x 15
405 x 20
shrugs did not bother my shoulder which is good news. weight felt heavier than I remember though

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
195 x 10
210 x 8
195 x 8



Greg said...

Kevin and Max are also doing sheiko cause Nick improved with it. Nick would probably improve with any routine, he's a beast, in his prime, and gets stronger just by stepping into a gym.

We'll see if it works for you...

Nick said...

I'm a terrible example,
really don't do what my dumbass does

Nick said...

go conservative on the first 2-3 weeks, the volume kicks your ass.
lessen the weight and get all the reps, you'll catch up once the 8's and 5's happen