Monday, June 13, 2011

Cycle 0 Week 2 Bench

Went to OC Strength Club for the first time today. It's a garage gym run by the owner of the house (Manny). All the guys today there were pretty strong. I was definitely the smallest, weakest guy there. One of the guys I met, Mike, was on PLwatch the other day. Very strong and very friendly guy.

Benching was done on a Forza competition bench. Nice and wide.
185 x 3 @8
195 x 3 @9
205 x 3 @10
185 x 3, 3 @8

I ended up just chatting with Manny for a while after everyone finished benching. There were a couple of guys doing other accessory stuff but it was getting kind of late and I didn't want to hold up Manny from closing up the garage so I finished the assistance work at my usual gym, which is only a 3-4 minute drive away.

Flat dumbbell bench
70s x 4 x 8
70s x 7.5
My elbows already started acting up today during bench :( Once shirted benching starts next week I'm probably just gonna be living off of ibuprofen. Definitely will be cutting down assistance work if I have to.

Wide grip pullups
BW x 12, 12, 12

Scap pushups
3 x 50


Misael said...

Sick! Are you gonna be able to work around their schedule? Or are the neighbors gonna complain? Also, are they helping you with going equipped in August ?

Vit said...

haha ya I think it should be fine. I may just end up doing the main lift with them to have the experienced guys critique my technique.