Thursday, May 27, 2010

05/24/10 Squat

A pretty poor workout. Plan was for heavy triples and I was hoping to work up to a couple sets at 365. But I knew when 315 and 335 were as tough as they were it wasn’t going to happen. My hips were just weak and so my explosiveness out of the hole (which isn’t that explosive on a good day) was affected and made everything a lot harder than it should have been. So I ended up scrapping it. The reverse band box (bench) squats went well though as they were slightly higher than parallel I could circumvent my hips a bit and still get some weight on my back.

315 x 3 @9
335 x 3 x 2 @10

Reverse Band (green) Box (off bench) Squats:
365 x3 @7
405 x3 @7
455 x3 @8
475 x3 @9
495 x3 x2 @10

Finished with some eagle glute machine and some raised mountain climbers (on physioball).

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