Monday, January 11, 2010

1-11-10 SQUNOT

Squat warmed up to 185 and my shoulder started hurting bad so I had to stop and do leg presses like a bitch. I worked up to 600 pounds for 4 or 5 reps. Doesn't matter. What matters is that my shoulder gets better so I can actually lift again. This fucking sucks I get so depressed when I'm injured. I also did leg curls, leg extensions, calf raises, hyperextensions x 130, cybex eagle glute machine and abs including rainbow dragonfly ponies. I also did box jumps at the track after and depth drops. I hurt my shoulder doing good mornings last thursday and it is holding the bar on my back that hurts it the most. If I can't heal and get in my training, competition in 4 weeks is looking like a waste of $65.


Juggernaut, the said...

Substitute squats for belt squats and cleans. This keeps the bar off your shoulder, but still lets you do leg movements. Leg presses aren't necessarily a bad thing either.

Kyle said...

Also, Ice and Vitamin I