Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bench/Upper Back

Bench (paused)
165 x 3, 3
175 x 3, 3
185 x 3 -PR, last rep was a grinder
180 x 2+1w/spot -last rep stalled right around the 3 board sticking point for like 3 seconds
My left elbow has been irritating me lately and it got progressively worse throughout these sets but not to the point where it was too painful. I think it may be due to heavy dips on Saturday's. I may have to stop doing those. I feel like they may be helping with bench strength, but I'm pretty sure my recent progress on the bench is mostly from doing all of the volume benching during this cycle.

Close grip bench
155 x 4
165 x 4, 4
155 x 4

Barbell shrugs
405 x 12
425 x 10
445 x 8
455 x 8

Lat pulldowns
230 x 8
240 x 8
250 x 7
260 x 5

Barbell curls
80 x 8, 8, 8, 8

Doing upper back work after benching is pretty tiring, but I think it was better today since I ran into all the 9 o'clock guys (instead of being alone and sad).


Kyle said...

Vit, how close of a grip do you take with the CG bench? If your grip there is too narrow it may be source of the elbow pain. I had a similar experience last winter with CG bench, so that's why I'm asking.

Vit said...

I go about an inch outside of the smooth part which I don't think is very narrow.

Kyle said...

Yeah, thats about where I got my elbow pain from. Narrowest I go now is pinky on the rings.

Try ditching the close grip benches for a while and see how that feels.