Monday, April 12, 2010

4/12 Squat


Glute Thrust:
255x5, 5, 5

Calf Raise:
170x5, 5, 5

Eh. I was trying to get 285x5, but did not happen. I'll just have to shoot for 295x5 next week.


Juggernaut, the said...

You might consider going heavier on the glute thrusts. Somewhere in the 405+ range. It's such a short motion, it's worth overloading the glutes.

Kyle said...

I may crank up the progression then. The 255 didn't feel too hard. Also, do you recommend pausing at the contracted postition on these?

Juggernaut, the said...

If possible, pausing will help. You don't need to pause for seconds at a time though. I think since the lifter has a mechanical advantage on the lift, it's necessary to go heavier than expected to really stimulate the muscles.