Friday, February 19, 2010

Squat deadlift practice

I wore my Oly shoes for all of these, which makes me a good 1.5" taller.

365 x 5
405 x 5 @8
425 x 5 @8
445 x 5 @9
465 x 5 @9

I almost passed out on the last one from hyperventilating. After that, my CNS was shot and I felt like fainting or puking for the rest of the workout. Jake, any idea what's up with that?

333 x 5
363 x 5
383 x 5

Tried doing these thumbless (Bull-style) for fun.

185 x 1
wheezing x 5 minutes
135 x 5
hang clean 135 x 5

I got 185 up but my lower back was obliterated at that point. Any quick movement resulted in dizziness.

Finished with banded hyperextensions. worked up to green+blue+purple.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

I almost pass out all the time... Could be the shoes I guess. The air is thinner up here.

Jake Ceccarelli said...
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