Monday, February 15, 2010

2/15 Back

Well, I did DM this weekend. Had a lot of fun, but unfortunately my knees are now messed up. Icing and taking Vitamin I + Glucosamine to try and speed the healing process while taking a break from leg work. Turns out that being on my feet for any extended period of time (running, walking or standing) accelerates my knee problems. Nothing serious yet, but going to play it safe.

This whole thing really pisses me off though, because I have had zero trouble with my knees for the past 3 years. And now I decide to dance for an extended period of time, and all of my hard work goes down the crapper. Now in addition to my no running rule, I will add no standing for 3+ hours.

Anyways, here was today's lifting:

HS Pullover: 250x11
HS High Row: 155/side x 8
135x 9
Yates Row: 183x12

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