Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Interesting Vid



Greg said...

This is awesome, let's do them.

Kyle said...

I think my brain exploded just watching that video. Wooden would ban us forever if we did those lol.

Juggernaut, the said...

Let's try them at the end of the next squat workout, but without the bar. If people can actually do them reasonable, I'll see if I can work them in to the next cycle in place of cleans.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I like Louie Simmons most of the time, but this looks like a waste of time, at least compared to just doing the lifts. It's a way harder variation (with debatable carryover) to a lift that is marginally applicable to your sport. There was a time Louie advocated kneeling squats too, but I haven't heard about those in years.

If you really want to try them, I'd actually do the split version first, since it requires less flexibility than getting into a full squat.

I guess I'm not saying don't do them since I am interested in what you guys think of them, but I wouldn't put too much faith in them either.