Thursday, February 4, 2010

New PRs

Snatch 115
Clean and Jerk 135
Total 250 @ 94kg (my actual weight was about 193, or 88kg)

Scared the shit out of the Men's Soccer team when I screamed coming up from the snatch.

I decided that since I'm too lazy to post my actual workouts I'll just be like Brent and post my PRs. I'm still here though!


Kyle said...

Nice lifting Jake!

Juggernaut, the said...

Is the current total where you want to be based on your training?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

It's where I wanted to be based on the last few months of training. It's not based on the last few years though... I'm just happy that I think I've started to figure out how to train to actually get PRs.