Sunday, May 3, 2009

I can't seem to get this right... 5-2

So, instead of doing the workout I planned to do today and flip the prvious workout with Monday since I did the wrong workout last time, I went ahead and did the wrong workout AGAIN. Keep in mind this was yesterday, less than 24 hours after 160 4x6. However, it went rather well so I guess I am un-overtrainable.

Snatch 80/2 x 2 90/2 x 2 102 - 2,1,2,1
I've never snatched anything over like 90 for a double, so this is a pretty damn good start to this phase.

Sn. Pull 112/2 x 4 123/1 x 4 heavy.

BTN Jerk 95/3 110/2 x 3 123- 1,1 125 - miss, miss, 120 - 1, miss 110- 2,3,3
As usualy, not that happy with my jerk, but I have added jerks to every workout (almost) for doubles/triples to keep working strength and technique.

After this I was technically supposed to squat 160 6x2. I got one set of 2. I took the bar out of the rack for the second set and stood there, contemplating, for about 10 seconds. Then I decided to rack it and go home.

The good news about destroying my body with two heavy workouts in a row is that this week will be rather easy.... I already did the hard one. Of course, squats will still bone me.

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