Monday, May 18, 2009

Solo Effort Squat

No one else showed up today? Pretty unexpected...

warmed up slowwww. 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 10
315 x 10, 4 sets

Wooden was ruthlessly humid and my legs were so pumped i felt pretty nauseous. Actually it might have been the food as well. My pre-workout, at-school dinners have been making me feel pretty nasty lately.

The squats themselves were so-so. My form has suffered from not squatting for 2 months. I am also self conscious about hitting the hole like I'm used to which is throwing off my explosion at the bottom. The weights still felt light, but I need to improve.

Front Squats:
225 x 5
245 x 6, 5
185 x 10

Decided to go light to help my knee recover and to avoid having the FSH push my abs and cause me to boot all over.

High Pulls:
235 x 3
205 x 5, 3 sets

Finished with repeated sets til failure of hyperextensions. Just trying to get some blood in my lower back in case I messed it up again today. Also did some transversus. Another guy wanted to try them out, which was fun. He got the movement right away but he was sucking wind pretty hard after each set. I think it's a good exercise, especially if you're not used to it.


Kyle said...

Dave, are you guys in the gym tomorrow, or out at the track?

Vit said...

Sorry for not showing Dave, Akram and I had a 6-8pm midterm. Also, I know what you mean about the on campus food. I can't seem to fully digest any dinner I eat from Ackermann by 7pm.

Juggernaut, the said...

Gym tomorrow.

Brent Tanaka said...

you guys are pulling no shows on squat day? don't wanna hear anyone bitching now about why they have small biceps

Phil Russell said...

My biceps are huge from squats. Have you seen my arms lately? They're incredible.

Kyle said...

@Phil: I think that's from the oil drums of milk that you drink each day.