Saturday, May 16, 2009


Standing Overhead Press: 110x4, 4, 4
120x2, 2, 2
132x1, 1

Ez-Bar Push Press: 95x5
115x5, 5

BB Row: 155x10x4
185x5, 5

Rev. Grip Bench: 135x10, 10

Parallel Bar Curls: 20's x 12, 12

HS Shrugs: 3px20, 20

GHR Abs: 45x10, 10

Well, my elbow is still jacked up but I am not sick anymore. I have lost some weight, which I will need to gain back pronto. Since overhead pressing (seated or standing) does not hurt my elbow, I will be doing a lot of that for the next few weeks. Dave recommended no triceps isolation to try and let the muscle heal. It should get plenty of work from the presses. I think on Wednesdays I will do Seated Pressing and on Saturday I will do Standing Pressing along with the usual lats/traps/arms exercises (the ones that don't aggravate it). Hopefully when I go back to benching again, all of this work will have a positive carryover.

1 comment:

Phil Russell said...

Dude, just do Standing Presses, Dips and Chins. Forget that other nonsense.