Saturday, May 30, 2009

DE Bench

So, I showed up at 2 (the time Dave said training would happen), but nobody was there :(. Because of this, there is no video from today.

Bench Press: 135x3x4 (med grip)
135x3x4 (normal grip)
175x3 (easing into it - besides my pecs were a little strained still from wed and fri)

DB Incline Bench (neutral grip): 50x12
60x8x4 (amazing how much harder the neutral grip is)

HS High Row: 2px10
4px5, 5

V-Squat Shrugs: 4p (per side) x 20

Parallel Bar Extensions (bar weighs ~20 lets say): 70x20
80x10, 9

Aside from the super pec tenderness, this was a pretty good session. I probably should have done some pec work in the past few weeks, but my benching feels as strong as ever. I need to be eating more to prevent these little injuries. Since dietary experiments have revealed that my digestive system cannot handle fats well (particularly milk fats), I am loading up on carbs and protein. Main carb sources are rice, bread, pasta (when available in the dining halls), fruit, and fruit juice. Protein sources are eggs, canned chicken, chicken breast, hamburgers, and deli turkey (BCafe). Main fats are peanut butter and whatever oil they put in the dining hall food. Supplements are Aleve and Vitamin C. Still shooting for 5000kcals a day, but appetite is the main variable in that.

As for training, I am returning to the Diablo Barbell Template in terms of workouts so as to prepare for training there this summer. I need to be in the 230-235 range by 7/15, which seems fairly reasonable considering I am 215-220 right now.

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