Saturday, May 30, 2009


Speed Bench:
Quadded minis; alternated close, middle, regular (formerly wide)
185 x 3, 6 sets
205 x 3

bw x 10
bw + 45 x 10
bw + 90 x 10
bw + 135 x 7
bw + 135 x 5

225 x 10
270 x 10
315 x 6 (elbow hurt)
270 x 12

finished with heavy sets on some Isometric High Row™, and the band pull-aparts I saw at 4-star on Wednesday. Then ab weel


Kyle said...

Dave, your deceit was not kind.

Do you need the box on Monday?

Juggernaut, the said...

We were there until 2:15. I just had to leave early. Yes, please bring the box.

Brent Tanaka said...

Are you gonna come to 4 Star Wednesday for some shirt work?