Monday, February 23, 2009

zzzzz legs

-100% motivated today. I can't wait to take a week off.

Leg Press:
90/180/270/360/450/540 x 10

These weren't supposed to bother my back, but they killed. I had to stop when it hurt to walk away. wtf.

135 x 16
225 x 16
275 x 12
295 x 8

Didn't want to push myself today because of the lower back tenderness.

Banded jumps:
these hurt too, but only when i really jumped. CNS failure came too soon due to the meet.


Brent Tanaka said...

295 X 8???
You are one crazy mofo

Juggernaut, the said...

well, that's 4 per leg. It's not that much.