245lbs x 1
295lbs x 1
315lbs x 1
315lbs x 3
335lbs x 3
I believe this was a 3-rep RP, but I'm not sure; I'll at my previous posts.
Block Pulls
4" 335lbs x 3
8" 335lbs x 3 ugly
12" 335lbs x 3
225lbs x 6
225lbs x I basically skipped this set because the bar was falling off my back
205lbs x 6
1 set purple bands
1 set green bands
335 x 3 back in Jan:
but I think you hitched most of those. You didn't this time, so it actually counts.
Back in Oct, you only hit 341 for a single, (maybe could have hit a double), but I would still call this progress.
That January workout looks very similar to this one in terms of weight, but probably doesn't tell the whole story in terms of my strength/form.
Also, apparently on Nov. 25th I hit 195 x 4 benching, which would make my most recent workout not a PR, but I slightly doubt the validity of that post. I'm sure the reps on my most recent workout were stronger and less assisted.
I feel like I should hit some 1-rep deadlift and bench maxes so I gain some confidence in my progress.
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