Monday, March 15, 2010


225 x 5, 5
235 x 5, 5, 5@10
The last 3 sets were tough. My lower back and forearms were kinda sore I think from all the deadlift volume on Thursday and maybe also the standing dumbbell rows on Saturday. Also, I finished my work sets in around 20 minutes, which I think is quicker than usual.

Power cleans
Getting the weight up felt normal, but I really felt my lower back soreness putting the weight back down. Contemplated not doing these but I wanted to try for a PR today.
141 x 2
161 x 1
181 x 2 -PR (181 was my old max)
191 x 1 -PR
Thought about trying 201 but I'll save it for another day.

Leg press
I really wanted to do lunges but someone started deadlifting in the rack right before I got there. It's alright though because the leg presses hit my quads pretty hard.
360 x 8
380 x 8
400 x 8

Standing abs
110 x 12
120 x 10, 10, 10


Kyle said...

Vit, why such low weight on leg presses? I'd think that you'd be able to do at least 500 for sets of 10.

Vit said...

Kyle, I'm sorry I don't have massive quads like you do.