Monday, November 23, 2009

RE Squat

405 x 5
415 x 5
425 x 5
435 x 5

Better than last week, worse than what I wanted. Squats are averaging 60% below parallel with the rest at or slightly above. Also not what I want, but at least I'm getting the calls now so I can adjust.

Band-lightened Squats:
reverse blues
545 x 4
585 x 4
615 x 4
635 x 4

heavvvvy. I feel pretty good when sinking these deep though. Hopefully I can use that to adjust where I think below-parallel needs to be

Pause Squat:
315 x 3 @ 3 sec, 3 sets

Felt exhausted. Sprained my right forearm on the first set when my hand slipped out too far and the wrist bent back.

Glute Thrust Machine:
Too dead to do lunges.
stack x 8, 10, 10, 10

Overall, a productive workout. Things are coming back, but I have a lot of work to do get get everything in shape for january.


Kyle said...

Sprained forearm? How will that take to benching tomorrow?

Juggernaut, the said...

I'll need more wraps. Perhaps wrist wraps, forearm wraps and elbow wraps. For good measure, I'll wear two belts and knee wraps as well.

Vit said...

Don't forget to wrap your head just in case.