Saturday, November 28, 2009

11/28/09 DE Squat, Accessory Uppers

Speed Box Squat (~14" box, against greens):
205 x 2 for 8 sets

I had strained my right hamstring on 11/17 and took 11/24 off from squatting to get it in order. Normally I lift thru things like this, but I felt like it would heal quick and I would only miss one lift (instead of lifting thru it and prolonging the injury). I made the right choice, the missed lift allowed it to heal and the speed squats felt fine.

Band (green) Pull Thrus:
3 x 10

Shoulder Pin Press:
155 x 5 for 3 sets

Upright Rows:
135 x 8 for 3 sets

Incline DB Curls:
40s x 6 for 3 sets


clay said...

did you not go home matt?

Matt Buttimer said...

nope, home is over 3000 miles away, so i just stayed here