Monday, July 13, 2009

Training and stuff

After falling off the grid, I decided to post now that I have a definite training program. I re-tweaked my lower back again and it is still in the process of healing. I just neglected doing a lot of ab/low back work and it flared up again while I was doing rack pulls.

I'm going to the gym 6 days a week: 3 lifting and 3 swimming. Swimming is light stuff - just to stretch out and get in some cardio.

Lifting is actually the program that was featured in this article. It focuses on the basic exercises and should build good overall strength. It goes like this:
Warm-up - 1 x 20
Squat - 5 x 5
Bench press - 5 x 5
Stiff-leg dead lift - 5 x 5
Barbell rowing - 5 x 5
Press behind neck - 5 x 5
Leg raises 1 x 25

The first two sets are light and the next 3 are heavier, ramping up to a max set of 5 for the day (increasing in pounds or reps each session).

Today's top sets were (light for squats, sldl's and rows b/c of back)
Squat: 205x5
Bench: 185x5
SLDL: 245x5
BB Row: 170x5
PBN: 105x5


Jake Ceccarelli said...

If you're going to compete in powerlifting, why don't you do regular deadlifts once a week? Something like: SLDL,DL,SLDL.

I also like the Hepburn Routine that is on that blog.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Jake: If he tweaked is back, I think it's fine if he stays off DLs for a few weeks.

@Kyle: I like your routine. Also, that you posted. But mostly, your dances.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

But aren't SLDL's worse than regular deads because of where the bar is at and where the stress is placed?

Kyle said...

@Jake: I left them as SLDL's mainly because I need that lower back work. The lack of that direct low back work was probably what led to my tweakage. Plus it allows for more hamstring work, which is also a weakness.

@Dave: Thanks! Does this mean I'm not completely wrong anymore?

Nathan Beckmann said...

Probably a long shot if you aren't at Diablo, but do you have a reverse hyper?

Also, do you foam roll/stretch? That helps tremendously.

Finally, I agree with Jake that if you are a powerlifter you should be deadlifting at least occasionally. It would even be a rest for your lower back a little bit, if you didn't kill yourself with it.

Kyle said...

Sadly I do not have reverse hyper. I'll try out the once a week deadlift idea once everything has healed to my satisfaction.