Blast from the Past:
Per some request and for your entertainment, here's some photos from the USAPL meet not too long ago.. (that i've been meaning to post..)
It's just a few (of the thousands; my bro was snapping away all day).. but as they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." Enjoy!
2009 USA Powerlifting California State Championships
February 21, 2009
7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Santa Clarita, CA
February 21, 2009
7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Santa Clarita, CA

*photo credits:
special thanks to Harrison, for taking these and spending the whole day supporting the ucla powerlifting team; he turned down his work/$$$/a wedding contract that fell on the same weekend in a beautiful beachside resort, instead, only to be trapped in a gym full of sweaty men. grunting men
on the same note, should any of you know anyone getting married or need special event shooting, if you could pass along Harrison's information, that would be great!
Find his info at:
these couple of pics took waaaay too long to upload... haha
Niiiice. those pics are awesome. Tell your bro thanks!!
..fer shure!! i'll tell him you said thanks
Ya these are great pics. Is there gonna be a photographer at the Cal State Games?
Also, kinda stupid questions, but I have 2:
1) I have a UCLA singlet. I've worn it for weightlifting. It says "UCLA" across the chest. Is this cool for powerlifting?
2) It says in the rules boxer shorts can't be worn under the singlet. Can I wear boxer briefs?
This is great. Really good photos, I'm impressed.
harrison long took some siiiickkk pictures! tell him BIG THANKS for coming out to shoot/support us.
thanks guys!
i'll let him know..
and also @jake, i was wondering the same thing about your pt#2. first, i don't have anything else besides boxer shorts; and second, i wore boxbriefs last time/it wasn't a big deal.. so hopefully it shouldn't be a problem.
and also..not quite sure about the photographer this time. [i've been asking him (i.e: begging)for him to come..but seeing how san diego is a little bit away..and he already went to one (the santa clarita meet was the ENTIRE day/nite) he would rather not. .
@Trey: are there any more pics or is this it? It seemed like your brother took a billllion
@Jake: You need briefs. Your underpants cannot have legs under any circumstances. It depends on how strict the judges are, but at this level of a meet, I wouldn't take chances.
Also, you may get into trouble with having "UCLA" on your chest. Only registered teams get to display their name on the clothing/singlet. It's like $35 to register the team for the year. Honestly, I think it's bullshit, but I'm not sure what else you can do. Maybe someone around has a spare? I bet Brent could get you one from 4-star.
If someone could bring an extra singlet that'd be great. Worse some to worst I can tape over it or something. Or I can just look for a singlet and buy one tomorrow if I can find one in a sporting goods store or something. And I need to buy some briefs...
@Dave: haha.. yea, there's def more of 'em where those came from..
(he may have a billion or so from the whole day.. but i believe he screened through and just post-processed a handful more)
I'll bring an extra singlet for you Jake, but it's gonna be GREEN. The METAL one I have is fucking HUGE and the straps will constantly be falling off your shoulders. Dave knows what I'm talking about here.
I don't care about color. I'd lift naked if I had to, I just want to lift. I feel better now that it's cleared up though.
Naked lifting? Would that be 101% RAW?
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