Thursday, July 30, 2009

ME Deadlift

Band-resisted Deadlift:
they have carabiners attached to the floor and quad-up the bands across. I'm guessing 3' apart? The bands would be slightly loose if you didn't stretch them back across in their setup.

We got the scale out and measured what each of the bands were at the top. I think the breakdown was something like:

mini-minis: 45lbs at the top
mins: 80lbs
monster minis: 90lbs

The monsters were pretty stretched out, sadly.

315 + mini^2 x 3
315 + minis x 3
315 + monster minis x 3
315 + mini^2 + minis x 3
315 + minis + monster minis x 3
315 + all three x 3

I'm guessing it was 715+ at the top. We tried to measure the weight per side but the scale topped out at 200 even before we hit where my lockout was. The first rep of the heaviest set wasn't quick but wasn't a grind. The remaining reps were trivial and it felt like I could have done 8 easy. It's just a matter of getting the body used to increased resistance.

Stiff-leggeded DLs:
225 x 8
315 x 8, 2 sets

These didn't bother my back at all, which was nice. However, my grip was shot as it hurt to hold the bar. I didn't tear any of my callouses of, but I needed to give my hands a break, so I didn't go up.

pause on legs; no belt

135 x 8
225 x 5
275 x 5

The last set was heavy. Feeling pretty gassed from the long workout, so I called it after that.


Brent Tanaka said...

nice pulling Dave. how many weeks out are your from the meet? are you gonna gear up anytime soon?

Juggernaut, the said...

Whoops, forgot to mention I had my suit bottoms on, but not under the belt. (basically briefs). Luckily the legs still fit barely, but the humidity up here makes them pretty rough to get into.

I'll probably get into the suit with straps up next week. The meet is two weeks from this saturday, so next week will be my last deadlift workout and then a week off of leg work.