Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7/6, 7/7


1st day switching to sheiko, jumping in at week 6.

p. Snatch: 75x4x3
P.Clean + Jerk: 105x2 (just clean), x4x3

Torqued my back on the last one, needed to concentrate to not round my back during the first pull. Got me frustrated and off for the rest of the day.

45x8, 95x5, 115x4x2, 135x3, 155x2, , 155x2x4

The thinner belts available at tps work so much better for me than the ridiculously wide PL belt I got for cheap. That one is so wide it hits my hips and ribs and prevents proper cinching around my waist.

45x5, 65x5, 75x4, 85x3x2, 100x2x6

DB bench: 25sx10x5

105x3, 125x3, 145x3x4

Pushups on rings && glute-ham raise:
10x5, 10x5


Practice cancelled due to rain.

Touch Rugby: 45mins.

Sprint training: ~35 mins
Jog ~150m, Sprint ~50m, x5
Sprint 50m, walk back to start, x10

Considering we usually do sprint training over 20m, this was hard to adapt to, but did it. Better in the long run.
Tournament on Saturday.

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