Tuesday, July 21, 2009

LE Squat

So I'm thinking of doing a deadlift-only at a meet in a month, which means I need to start cutting weight.

Went a bit over overboard on the cardio and biked 25 miles on saturday and then played ultimate for 2 hours on sunday. (It's easy to do in nice seattle weather). Feeling a little beat up from the deadlifts last week and the cardio, so lowered the volume and poundage today.

Returned to my old friends, the chains

315 x 5
365 x 1
315 + 40lbs x 5
315 + 80 x 5
315 + 120 x 5
315 + 160 x 5

All sets felt easy, which was what I wanted. USAPL judge said i was hitting depth. Another noticed the chain was deloading completely at the bottom, but was off the ground at the top. I measured and my squat stroke is 28-29" which is longer than I would have thought. Not sure how that compares with others though.

SS-bar box squats:
(no belt)
145 x 8
195 x 8
215 x 8
235 x 4

These kicked my butt today. My core was obliterated and I couldn't keep upright with the SS-bar. Good training though. I will probably keep this in the rotation all summer.

Zercher Squats:
tried pausing on the legs. Feels good actually. Hits a range of motion that I can't quite express yet.

135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

Ran out of time due to external commitments, which was fine since I needed to keep it light for recovery.

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